Ask Rita: Is it Legal to Require Nonprofit Employees to Donate Gifts?
Nonprofits are always looking for creative ways to raise funds, but requiring employees to make financial donations is unlawful.
Point-Counterpoint: Should Nonprofits Be Allowed to Support Political Candidates?
Arguments for & against legislation that prohibits churches & other charitable organizations from direct or indirect political campaigning.
Ask Rita in HR: What About Marijuana Decriminalization?
A drug-free workplace policy can specify that the term “drugs” includes marijuana (and its derivatives and all related cannabinoids).
Ask Rita in HR: How Do I Stay ADA Compliant When an Employee Has a Disability?
How does an employer document ADA compliance? Let’s go through each element of the ADA analysis and identify helpful documentation.
Ask Rita: Can I Just Hire Independent Contractors?
Misclassifying a contractor can cost big dollars for your nonprofit, so march forward, but make sure you proceed with care.
Outdated Job Description May be Getting Us in Trouble
Framing job descriptions properly as related to disabilities will help you recruit a suitable applicant pool, be fair to people with disabilities, and protect your organization from charges of disability discrimination.
A Board Member’s Guide to Nonprofit Overhead
Calculating overhead rates and managing expenses are important roles. Board members need to bring an informed perspective to oversight.
How Do You Count Employees… to Determine Which Laws Apply?
If your nonprofit’s employee count is anywhere near 50, you’re going to want get familiar with enforcement agency regulations.
Nonprofit Auctions: Compliance Guide and Sample Forms
Blue Avocado contributor and CPA Dennis Walsh provides a handy compliance guide, and five sample forms to make sure your wording is right.
Transgender Employees: A Respectful & Legal Workplace Approach
Transgender and intersexual matters in HR. Work with your employees to make them feel welcome at work, regardless of gender identity.