Ask Rita in HR: How Do I Stay ADA Compliant When an Employee Has a Disability?
How does an employer document ADA compliance? Let’s go through each element of the ADA analysis and identify helpful documentation.
If Your Board Looked Like Your Community
Moving board diversity from a ‘problem to solve’ to ‘something to practice.’ Staff and board talk common hurdles and how to overcome them.
Outdated Job Description May be Getting Us in Trouble
Framing job descriptions properly as related to disabilities will help you recruit a suitable applicant pool, be fair to people with disabilities, and protect your organization from charges of disability discrimination.
Transgender Employees: A Respectful & Legal Workplace Approach
Transgender and intersexual matters in HR. Work with your employees to make them feel welcome at work, regardless of gender identity.
Fundraising in Nonprofits of Color
Conventional fundraising advice is far more doable for the mainstream program than the one based in a community of color.
Hiring Job Candidates with Criminal Convictions: Unlock the Possibilities
What you need to create a more nuanced and fair hiring policy regarding criminal background checks and convictions.
Ditch Your Board Composition Matrix
Board composition matrices focus our attention on what people are, rather than on what the organization needs board members to do.
Is Coming to Work Required to Keep My Job?
An employee with a disability requests intermittent leave as an accommodation. But coming to work is an essential function of the job.
Ask Rita: Can We Discriminate in Favor of People with Disabilities?
Ask Rita’s HR experts review Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and ADA rules.
Six Easy, Nearly-Free Ways to Be More Disabled-Accessible
Disabilities activist Mary Lester says there are simple ways to make your office and program sites more accessible without busting the bank.