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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

Latest Articles

In Defense of Strategic Planning: A Rebuttal

Consultant Mike Allison provides a defense of strategic planning for the nonprofit sector in rebuttal to a prior Blue Avocado article.

Court-Ordered Community Service: Volunteers or Prison Labor?

Court-ordered volunteers perform a wide variety of roles in nonprofits. Susan Ellis discusses when to accept them, and how to do it right.

Strategic Planning: Failures and Alternatives

When recessions happen, many nonprofits can’t move forward on strategic plans. Jan Masaoka explores what nonprofits can do instead.

Firing the Executive Director

Sometimes a board needs to fire an executive director. Sometimes it’s clear, more often it’s a little fuzzier. So when and how do you do it?

Get Thy Nonprofit Self Into Therapy!

The same things that motivate nonprofit workers can also create unnecessary personal and psychic suffering. For some, therapy may help.

Where Should the Board Chair, the ED, the Staff Sit?

Where everyone sits reflects organizational philosophy, and is a strong message to all about authority, participation, and the board’s role.

Ask Rita: The HR of Nonprofit Romance

Many sample handbooks have policies which ban employees from dating with co-workers. Is it legally required to prohibit office relationships?

How to Hire Your First Development Director

The only thing worse than not having fundraising staff is having bad fundraising staff.

Grantseeker’s Guide to Foundation Affinity Groups

Foundation affinity groups can appear to be secretive at first. Let Rick Cohen show you how to navigate them to help your nonprofit.

Finding the Right Nonprofit Board to Join

Questions to ask yourself before seeking a board, and then how to find the right next opportunity for making a difference.

Stick With Old Media: Not Cool But it Works

In the age of social media, Holly Minch dares to defy the Twitter evangelists and make the case for the power of traditional print and radio.

Nonprofit Bookkeeping Test

This 21-question quiz samples from general bookkeeping knowledge as well as nonprofit bookkeeping and compliance matters. Use this assessment test as part of your hiring toolkit as well as for identifying staff training needs.

Meaningful Budget Work by the Board

The board has some important perspectives to bring to the discussion of the budget. Here some questions that take advantage of the board’s diverse community perspectives and the finance staff’s knowledge and skill.

Nonprofit Love

We asked about your experiences with romance in the nonprofit workplace, and the common thread was passion — for your work and each other.

What is Micromanagement and What Isn’t?

As an executive director, what can feel like micromanagement from members of your board can be a symptom of larger problems.

Six Easy, Nearly-Free Ways to Be More Disabled-Accessible

Disabilities activist Mary Lester says there are simple ways to make your office and program sites more accessible without busting the bank.

America’s Dirtiest Job: Nonprofit Telemarketer?

Should telemarketers really be despised? Blue Avocado readers share their experiences making telemarketing calls for their nonprofits.

The Easiest Way to Raise Money: Register with CFC

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) guru Bill Huddleston tells how nonprofits can raise money from federal employees in just eight great points.

Ask Rita: Emma’s Disability is Hurting Performance: Can We Fire Her?

Consult a labor law professional to check federal and state laws before firing an employee for excessive absences or with a known disability.

Five Tips for Better Board Packets

Packets can give more than information, if done right, they can improve board confidence in the staff and in the board-staff relationship.

A Board-Staff Agreement for Financial Accountability

Use this helpful template, and a discussion on the finance committee with the ED and the finance staff to clarify roles around accountability.

How Did This Happen? Part 2 of the Vanguard Foundation Story

Blue Avocado concludes an exploration of how it was possible for Vanguard Public Foundation to have come to such an inglorious end.

How to Hire a Great Accountant for Your Nonprofit

FAQs on hiring accountants for nonprofits, including what to do if you’re having an impossible time of it.