Ask Rita: Can Employees Smoke Medical Marijuana at Work?

Do you need to accommodate the use of medical marijuana when making a hiring decision or for current employees?

Ask Rita: Can Employees Smoke Medical Marijuana at Work?
6 mins read

Figuring out state marijuana laws can put even the clearest thinker in a haze.

Dear Rita:

We recently offered a management job to a terrific candidate, with the condition that he pass both a background check and a drug test. When he tested positive for marijuana, he told us not to worry and produced a doctor’s prescription for medical marijuana which he uses to relieve his pain from an injury.

I don’t want to set the precedent of having an employee come to work “stoned” but I am not sure what my legal obligations are. Can you help me out?

Smokin’ in Spokane

Dear Smokin’:

I understand your confusion! If the candidate were taking prescription codeine, you would seek a doctor’s opinion on whether he could perform his job while under the influence. Here’s some background information that hopefully “clears the air” (couldn’t resist the pun) on this issue:

As of June 2010, laws legalizing possession of marijuana for certain medical purposes exist in fourteen states and the District of Columbia, including: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and New Jersey. (Similar legislation is being considered in several other states.)

Figuring out these state laws can put even the clearest thinker in a haze (!), but they basically allow a seriously ill patient to grow and/or use marijuana, generally with a doctor’s written or oral recommendation.

The laws protect the prescribing physician and the patient from criminal prosecution. State laws conflict with the federal Controlled Substances Act which prohibits the possession, use and cultivation of marijuana, but a 2009 memorandum from the US Department of Justice states it will focus its resources on prosecuting large-scale enterprises that unlawfully sell marijuana, and not individuals who are compliant with their state’s medical marijuana law.

The courts have been overwhelmingly clear, however, in supporting an employer’s hiring and firing rights when a prospective or current employee registers a positive drug test. Court cases in several states have challenged the termination of an employee or the withdrawal of a job offer for individuals who have a legal prescription for marijuana use, based on a positive marijuana test.

All courts have ruled in favor of the employer who denied employment based on the positive test.

Furthermore, marijuana use is not protected as a “reasonable accommodation” for an employee under the Americans with Disabilities Act. State courts generally have ruled that employers are not legally required to accommodate marijuana use, whether the person is a candidate for employment or a current employee who comes to you and says she now has a prescription and intends to use it.

Here are some of the differences among states:

  • In California, the state Supreme Court held that the law protects medical marijuana users from criminal prosecution, but not from being fired. The case in question involved an employee’s off-duty use of medical marijuana to treat a disability.
  • In Oregon, physician-prescribed marijuana for chronic pain is legal (patients do have to register), but the law specifically states that employers are not required to accommodate the use of medical marijuana at work.
  • The state of Washington ruled that an employer’s drug-free workplace policy can supercede the Medical Use of Marijuana Act.

Drug testing rules vary

Except for regulations that apply to government contractors and the transportation industry, there is no federal law that regulates drug testing in the private sector (which includes the nonprofit sector). However, many states have laws that prohibit random drug testing, and case law across the nation supports that position.

The rationale is that the employer is invading the privacy of its employees. However, “reasonable suspicion” drug testing is pretty much universally accepted, which means that the employer has some reason to require an employee to take a drug test.

If you suspect that an employee is under the influence of marijuana while at work, you should be able to articulate “reasonable suspicion” of impairment based on the employee’s appearance or behavior — documentation of “the munchies” and a penchant for The Grateful Dead are clearly not sufficient.

Does he smell of marijuana, is he acting inappropriately, has someone reported him smoking marijuana during a break? You should consult with an employment specialist and articulate your reasons before sending an employee off to the drug lab.

However, if you do test an employee, a urine test is not the best test to use. This is because cannabis can be detected on a standard drug screen, which samples urine, for days or even weeks after past use — long after any intoxicating effects of the drug have worn off. More reliable are blood and saliva tests.

In a nutshell, you do not have to accommodate the use of medical marijuana when making a hiring decision or for current employees. With respect to current employees, all employers should have a written policy prohibiting the possession or use of drugs in the workplace, and specify whether testing is an element of the drug-free workplace program.

And except for pre-employment drug testing, you should have “reasonable suspicion” before sending a current employee off to drug test for marijuana, hopefully using either a blood test or a saliva test. And if the test verifies that the employee was under the influence of drugs while at work, you can terminate his employment.

About the Author

Pamela Fyfe
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Pamela Fyfe is an Employment Risk Manager for the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance. In her position she helps nonprofits avoid potential employment claims and reduce the possibility of future claims. Before joining the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group, she practiced employment law for more than 25 years — representing management in wrongful termination, discrimination and sexual harassment cases. She admits to possibly having sneaked online at work to see her first grandchild — Mara Adeline — who lives in London.

Articles on Blue Avocado do not provide legal representation or legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice or legal counsel. Blue Avocado provides space for the nonprofit sector to express new ideas. The opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect or imply the opinions or views of Blue Avocado, its publisher, or affiliated organizations. Blue Avocado, its publisher, and affiliated organizations are not liable for website visitors’ use of the content on Blue Avocado nor for visitors’ decisions about using the Blue Avocado website.

35 thoughts on “Ask Rita: Can Employees Smoke Medical Marijuana at Work?

  1. I would think what is at issue is whether or not it should be accomodated in the workplace. Thus far, based upon this article, the courts are fairly clear that that the employer does not need to accomodate its medical use.
    I would suggest that as advocates and rolemodels for clients, it would be inherent that non-profit agency staff be mindful of that fact and behave accordingly.

    1. Let us not forget that most States require a “recommendation” which is vastly different than a prescription. Also, a legal prescription for Marinol will also produce a positive test result and, I would think, the law would side with the employee. As a supporter of medical marajuana, I can see both sides of the argument. As an employee, I’ve seen workers who were not competent without using anything, and those who were great while using.

      Why not discuss your concerns with the employee? There’s still no way anyone is exempt from driving under the influence, so that would be a major issue to be addressed.

  2. How many individuals in any work place are taking some type of prescription drug which alters the individual’s perceptions and actions? prescription drug use is so pervasive for alleged mental conditions. According to a recent study, only 11 percent of psychiatrists offer verbal counseling with the patient as a form of therapy. Drugs for health conditions such as allergies frequently alter a person’s perception and ability to function. This is silliness – we have a list of “legal” ways to alter perception versus a list of “illegal” ways to do so. Meanwhile 23,000 people have been killed in Mexico’s drug wars on behalf of the USA’s (us/our) addictions.

  3. How many individuals in any work place are taking some type of prescription drug which alters the individual’s perceptions and actions? prescription drug use is so pervasive for alleged mental conditions. According to a recent study, only 11 percent of psychiatrists offer verbal counseling with the patient as a form of therapy. Drugs for health conditions such as allergies frequently alter a person’s perception and ability to function. This is silliness – we have a list of “legal” ways to alter perception versus a list of “illegal” ways to do so. Meanwhile 23,000 people have been killed in Mexico’s drug wars on behalf of the USA’s (us/our) addictions.

  4. In New Jersey those who have a driver’s license enabling them to drive school buses or heavy trucks are subject to random testing. i know a airline flight attendant who told me they were subject to random drug testing.

    I do think that for certain kinds of jobs random drug testing is alloed – perhaps not for office work – but there are a lot of jobs where any impairment can cause you to be a danger to yourself and others.

  5. In New Jersey those who have a driver’s license enabling them to drive school buses or heavy trucks are subject to random testing. i know a airline flight attendant who told me they were subject to random drug testing.

    I do think that for certain kinds of jobs random drug testing is alloed – perhaps not for office work – but there are a lot of jobs where any impairment can cause you to be a danger to yourself and others.

  6. Why did the prospective wait until after his drug test to produce the doctor’s notice? Why not be forthcoming at the beginning?

  7. I was offered a management job for a wine & liquor operation. After the job offer, they needed Preemployment drug testing. I tested positive for marijuana.
    I don’t smoke, however my best friend who suffers from multiple sclerosis, smokes to relieve his body pain. Now, I was asked to retest the same urine sample. I really love this job and have so much to bring to the table. What are my chances if the retest comes back positive.? I am 54, responsible and decent citizen with excellent background check.I need answers to my question.

    Thank you


    1. Joe-

      I would explain your situation and request a saliva or blood test–they monitor short-term use, as opposed to long-term exposure. If that is not possible, you could try “detoxifying” with an over-the-counter kit which is sold at many health stores and head shops–basically you drink a lot of tea/water and that runs the thc out of your system. Of course in the mean time, you should request that your best friend not smoke in your direct presence to avoid contamination. Best of luck, I hope it all works out for you.

  8. A re-check will come back positive, because the purpose of the re-check is to mitigate the possibility for testing error. The stuff is still in the urine. The best bet is to explain the situation and, as someone above said, request a different type of analysis. Good luck, but I don’t think you’re getting the job.

  9. What if the m.m. Patient works in health care? Are they exempt from the rules. I just was at a medical center and swore a CNA smelled like marijuana. When confronted he simply smiled and said don’t worry I have a medical card for marijuana. Is that ok to have a hospital worker on marijuana let alone a CNA? What’s next………my doctors office smelling like pot…..sure that sounds cool but how am I so pose to listen to the dr if he is under the influence of marijuana

    1. How are you suppose to listen to the doctor when he is on…….the Vail is lifted. Change to a respectable doctor which is better at concealing his use or is just a pill Popper instead.

  10. It is an interesting topic. I am definitely in favor of the legalization of marijuana, but at the same time we don't want a bunch of people showing up high at work. That is not acceptable.

  11. Everyone should be given the freedom to smoke medical marijuana even in the office. There should be a place where “free to smoke with marijuana” area:) Sounds good?

  12. I believe in what will soon legalize MJ around the world –

    And to smoke at work will not be a problem.

  13. I live in california and I am a 57 year old owner of a marketing / PR / community outreach business that donates gift cards to charities on behalf of our clients. Last year we donated a little over $ 2 million and I manage a small team. I have smoked weed – pot – Marjuana on and off for 40 years … I personally use it before I go on a nature walk with or without a friend or on a mountain bike ride or skiing snowboarding. But not at work. That’s just me. If one of my employee’s smoked and they could perform their work responsibly then I would be ok with that. I agree with many comments above. Many employees use some form of stimulate – Coffee – Tea – Diet Coke – Advil etc the list it too long – but I think you understand that many are “high” or relieved or excited somehow – and everything affects our performance and these laws are pretty overbearing. Education is KEY !!

  14. I live in california and I am a 57 year old owner of a marketing / PR / community outreach business that donates gift cards to charities on behalf of our clients. Last year we donated a little over $ 2 million and I manage a small team. I have smoked weed – pot – Marjuana on and off for 40 years … I personally use it before I go on a nature walk with or without a friend or on a mountain bike ride or skiing snowboarding. But not at work. That’s just me. If one of my employee’s smoked and they could perform their work responsibly then I would be ok with that. I agree with many comments above. Many employees use some form of stimulate – Coffee – Tea – Diet Coke – Advil etc the list it too long – but I think you understand that many are “high” or relieved or excited somehow – and everything affects our performance and these laws are pretty overbearing. Education is KEY !!

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