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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

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Should Staff Contact with the Board Be Restricted?

Should board members have contact with staff independent of the executive director? Opinion is sharply divided.

Firing My Friend, the Founder

A board member shares a story about the difficult process of firing a nonprofit founder when money just wasn’t coming in.

Sample Drug-Free Nonprofit Workplace Policy

A drug-free workplace policy with sample language to consider including in your nonprofit’s employee handbook.

Can We Fire Someone Who Comes to Work Drunk?

What to do about an employee that appears to be under the influence, but isn’t drinking on the job and it doesn’t seem to affect performance?

Nonprofit Lessons from Star Wars

Deepak Bhargava of the Center for Community Change channels the Force to call nonprofits to action, drawing parallels to Star Wars.

Regrets of a Former Arts Funder

Rethinking what defines art and how the less mainstream types can be protected and encouraged.

Ten Myths About Nonprofit Boards

Ten of the most common myths about nonprofit boards, and the reality of the situation for each item.

Outsource Your Bookkeeping!

Outsourced accounting — having the accounting done by an outside person or firm — isn’t new, but it is getting a second look as nonprofits search for ways to cut office costs. 

The 7 x 7 Board Member Briefing

7×7 board briefings are when each board member makes a 7 minute presentation, followed by 7 minutes of questions, answers & responses.

The Board Just Fired Me …and I’m the Founder!

A nonprofit founder provides a first-person account of what it’s like to be fired from her organization — by a board that she had put together.

Four Ways to Remove a Board Member

How to remove a board member that consistently disrupts meetings or is otherwise destructive and demoralizing.

Should You Be Considering a Nonprofit Merger?

When times are tough, funders start to think that mergers are a good idea for nonprofits. And sometimes nonprofits themselves agree.

The Trouble with Turkey

Dozens of nonprofits contemplate many aspects of your beautiful turkey long before it lands on your table for Thanksgiving.

Board Insurance: Do You Really Need It?

If you are a part of a nonprofit organization, consider directors and officers (D&O) coverage as a “must have.”

Endorsing Candidates. Illegal. How to Do It.

Discussing restrictions on nonprofit 501c3 organizations that prohibit them from supporting or opposing candidates running for office.

Three Instant Improvements for Board Agendas and Accountability

Three instant ways to improve meetings simply by what you put on the piece of paper titled “Board Agenda:”

Nonprofit Job Sites Reviewed and Rated

Where are the best nonprofit job sites, both to post and look for nonprofit jobs? A review and rating of 31 sites across several criteria.

Can I Be Held Personally Liable for Misclassifying an Employee as Exempt?

Individuals can be personally liable for unpaid wages and other remedies under the FLSA and possibly also under state law.

Benchmarking and Analyzing Salaries: A Fast How-To

Analyze salaries by charting salary ranges, adding benchmark salaries, and two ways to review individual salaries.

Lucky 7: The Casino Industry and Philanthropy

Is it worth going all-in on casino philanthropy? Only if you know when to lay the odds and when to take the odds.

Alternatives to Strategic Planning at Nonprofits

By staking too much on strategic planning, nonprofits often neglect other tools for making decisions, moving organizations, or learning.