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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

Latest Articles

Creating A Board That Works

Nonprofits’ success depends on their ability to assemble a board that is committed to the mission and a strong partner to the executive director.

A Nonprofit Leader’s Path to Becoming a Diversity and Inclusion Champion

Taking on diversity and inclusion in your nonprofit? What to do (and not to do) to have your efforts result on long-standing success

Ask Rita: How Do We Handle A Whistleblower?

If someone alerts you to wrongdoing within your nonprofit, they’re protected under the law. Here’s how to handle a whistleblower situation.

Sample Whistleblower Policy

A full sample nonprofit whistleblower policy for nonprofits looking to create such a policy in their organization.

How to Cultivate Big Donors with a Small Staff

Six strategies that can help nonprofits when embarking on major donor cultivation, even if your development department is tiny.

Readers’ Thoughts: Secrets to Successful Succession

Survey results and advices on the challenging topic of transitioning from a founder to new leadership within a nonprofit.

How to Build an Engagement Pathway for Millennials

Effective nonprofits begin relationships by making emotional connections. The key to growth is to continue to deepen that connection.

Top 10 Nonprofit Board “Worst” Practices

Pitfalls to avoid and real screw-ups that can undermine the impact and disrupt the natural flow of nonprofit boards.

Ask Rita: How Do We Handle Harassment by an Outsider?

Have an effective policy. When a report is made, document the complaint. Take appropriate, swift, and effective action.

Political Polarization & Nonprofits: How Can You Bridge the Divide?

How does political polarization impact your nonprofit? This desire to do what is right is what binds us to each other.

Win Back Your Lapsed Donors: 3 Effective Strategies

Motivate lapsed donors to resume their support for your nonprofit with strategies that make it easy for them to give and stay updated on your progress.

NextGen Nexus: The New Face of Philanthropy, Courtesy of Young America

Nonprofits must speak directly and authentically to Young America’s beliefs to have any hope of converting them to highly active supporters.

Ask Rita: Health Benefits for Employees on FMLA Leave?

Question and answer about how an employee’s share of premium payments should be handled, since there are no paychecks on FMLA.

Remote Team Environments: A How-To Primer

Six tips to successfully “team” remotely at your nonprofit, and support remote workers to effectively collaborate and accomplish their goals.

Managing Big Change: Top Tips for New Executive Directors & CEOs

Change is hard. Here are some steps to help you construct a careful plan on the front end in order to bring you success in the long run.

Your IRS Form 990 Questions Answered

Information about Form 990 and your nonprofit filings. Hopefully this will keep your fiscal year-end stresses at bay!

3 Online Fundraising Tips for Small Nonprofits

How to use digital fundraising tools to ease your nonprofit’s workload and raise more money in the process.

Community Development: Strategies That Serve

Ask the community you serve what they want and need. Remember that your work should happen through, not to, the communities you serve.

Funding Innovation: Top Tips

How can you fund innovation when your nonprofit continues to struggle to keep the lights on? Here are some ideas.

Ask Rita: Is Terminating an At-Will Employee Risk-Free?

Reliance on at-will employment to support a termination without proper preparation and risk assessment can lead to serious consequences.

Finding Your Data Path to Success, Part 2: What We Learned Along the Way

Mapping where data is stored, along with creating a logic model that shows important outcomes to track, helps your nonprofit focus resources.

3 Keys to Mission-Based Workplace Design

Efficient layouts can drive cost savings & support collaborative work environments. Branded spaces inspire employees to live out your mission

What I Learned as a Funder: Frank Tips for Nonprofits

Funders and nonprofits should keep sight of the fact that human beings are on the other side of the table. Social sector work is about people.

How We Built a Nonprofit from Our College Bedroom and What We Wish We Knew

Simple advice that can help guide you more quickly to the best practices without learning the hard way when starting a nonprofit.