Workplace Policies
Remote Team Environments: A How-To Primer
Six tips to successfully “team” remotely at your nonprofit, and support remote workers to effectively collaborate and accomplish their goals.
Sample eWorkplace HR Policy
A sample eWorkplace HR Policy. Intended for use by nonprofit organizations.
Ask Rita: When Is Work Time Too Small To Count?
Employers may not arbitrarily fail to count time worked, however small, of the employee’s regular schedule or any period of time.
Ask Rita: Employees Who Cross Jurisdictions: Which Law Applies?
For nonprofits challenged by operating in different regions, compliance requirements need to be weighed against potential for impact.
Ask Rita: How Do I Prevent Sexual Harassment at My Nonprofit?
5 ways to maintain a nonprofit culture that will not accept or tolerate any sexual misconduct or activity in the workplace in any form.
Ask Rita in HR: What About Marijuana Decriminalization?
A drug-free workplace policy can specify that the term “drugs” includes marijuana (and its derivatives and all related cannabinoids).
Ask Rita in HR: How Do I Stay ADA Compliant When an Employee Has a Disability?
How does an employer document ADA compliance? Let’s go through each element of the ADA analysis and identify helpful documentation.
Can We Fire Someone for What They Said in Personal Email?
This is a complicated question, and this is a new and evolving area of the law. All nonprofits should have an e-workplace policy.
Outdated Job Description May be Getting Us in Trouble
Framing job descriptions properly as related to disabilities will help you recruit a suitable applicant pool, be fair to people with disabilities, and protect your organization from charges of disability discrimination.
If You Give a Board Treasurer A Cookie…
Blue Avocado columnist Vu Le inspires us again with his ideas for nonprofit-themed children’s books. We should all be writing some!