Search Results for: strategic
The Best Way to Raise Money? Choose a Revenue Strategy
What’s the best way to raise money for a nonprofit? Start by figuring out who are the best potential supporters of our work and why.
The Unrecognized Value of Community Nonprofits, Hiring Grantwriters, Extended Warranties, MTV
There is a difference between community nonprofits on one hand, and universities and hospitals on the other, and it isn’t just size.
In Search of Unicorns: Finding & Hiring Grantwriters, Part 1
Almost everyone in community nonprofits thinks it would be great to have a grantwriter. It’s rare to find and work with this rare creature. Why?
Nonprofit Budgets Have to Balance: False!
There are some good reasons why nonprofits sometimes have deficit budgets, that should be left that way. Find out why.
Meaningful Acts of Appreciation for Nonprofit Boards and Staff
It often seems that efforts between board and staff of appreciation feel trivial at best, and even hypocritical or enraging at worst.
Five Ways to Let Government Money Run You Over
Strategic ways nonprofits can benefit from government funding but not become overly reliant on it.
Good Management vs. Good Leadership
In this economic climate, the old adage is even more relevant: Management is doing things right, while leadership is doing the right things.
What Do I Say to a Donor or Funder?
What to say to if you run into someone who has made a donation or a grant to the organization on whose board you serve.