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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

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When You Lose Your Health Insurance Coverage

Health care is a society-wide crisis as well as a personal, individual one, and there aren’t ready solutions on either level.

Layoff Stories from Blue Avocado Readers

We asked Blue Avocado readers to tell us how you found out you had gotten laid off. Too often grace and consideration aren’t part of it.

Laid Off From a Nonprofit: Me!

While the need for nonprofit services continues even in bad economic times, workers are just as vulnerable to layoffs as any other industry.

The Nonprofit Board’s Role in HR

The role of the board of directors in personnel or human resource administration is frequently a sticky issue for nonprofits.

Will Obamaniacs Change Nonprofits?

Can the “Obama movement” – with its community organizing and its newly empowered warriors for change – revitalize nonprofits?

George W. Bush’s Legacy: A Dramatic Increase in Volunteer Spirit

Carol Stone applauds President George W. Bush for bringing the visibility, recognition, and importance of volunteering to new heights.

Ten Nonprofits that Shaped the Life of Martin Luther King Jr.

Did you know that hundreds of nonprofit organizations helped make Dr. King who he was? And do you know what they’re up to today?

New Growth from Old Wood: Heroes & Nonprofits (and Sarbanes-Oxley)

Heroes don’t act alone: Nonprofits support heroes, and heroes understand nonprofits are impactful platforms for evolving social movements.

Model Document Retention Policy for Nonprofits

A model document retention policy designed to help nonprofits adapt to changing laws around statutes of limitation.

Sarbanes-Oxley and Nonprofits: Bogeyman in the Boardroom?

Although Sarbanes-Oxley wasn’t aimed at nonprofits, some saw the law’s passage as a wake-up call for nonprofits.

A 360-Degree Look at the Organization: Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us

The 360-Degree Look helps compensate for the board’s limited view of how well the organization is functioning by seeking other viewpoints.

Speed Up the Board Recruitment Process!

Three easy ways to accelerate the nonprofit board recruitment process by pre-qualifying prospective candidates.

Too Many Nonprofits? No — There Aren’t Enough Good Nonprofits

A vibrant, rough-and-tumble ecosystem of nonprofits serves our society best — rather than bemoan its complexity, we should treasure it.

Six Things Every Board Member Should Know About the New 990

Jeanne Bell shares six things that nonprofit organizations should know about the IRS’ new revised 990 nonprofit tax return.

An Insight About Catholic Schools’ Business Model

Catholic schools are having to go to the laity more , and that raises their expenses — hurting inner-city schools.

Nonprofit Executive Director Assessment

This executive director assessment form combines results, activities, and attributes. Boards can focus on areas most important to the organization.

The Secret to a High Impact Annual Report

There are only four things people look at in a nonprofit’s annual report. Focus on what people actually read.

Governance Committees: More and More Common

A governance committee can be an effective way to help define the board’s work, the work of individual members, and strengthen that work.

What Information Should Board Members Get?

Blue Avocado provides suggestions for which written documents a nonprofit organization’s board should have.

Succeeding With (or Maybe in Spite of) Evidence-Based Practices

Nonprofits face increasing pressure to show that their programs are evidence-based. How to “tweak” these practices to your own populations.

An Alcohol Problem Holds the Bookkeeping Hostage

Advice for a nonprofit supervisor with a bookkeeper that has missed deadlines and may be coming to work drunk.

Nonprofit Email Sign-Offs

Blue Avocado readers share their ways of signing off on nonprofit emails. The consensus is quick, and in keeping with the tone of the email.

Nonprofit Embezzlement: More Common and More Preventable Than You Think

Embezzlement is especially painful for community nonprofits. Here are the most common types of nonprofit embezzlement and how you can deal with them.