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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

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Health Insurance: A Bit of Good COBRA News

Personal finance guru Steve Zimmerman brings us some welcome good news that may help you keep health insurance if you’re laid off.

Too Many Nonprofits? Yes! Clueless in Seattle

Elizabeth Heath shares her thinking about the impact of the economic challenges of today on the nonprofit sector.

Volunteer Time Financial Statement Illustrations

Financial notes for the article, “Tracking Volunteer Time to Improve Your Bottom Line: A Complete Accounting Guide,” by Dennis Walsh, CPA.

Tracking Volunteer Time to Boost Your Bottom Line: A Complete Accounting Guide

CPA Dennis Walsh of North Carolina explains why and how to include volunteer time in your nonprofit’s budgets and financials.

A Devil’s Advocate on the Board?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if nonprofit boards could foresee the obstacles ahead — in time to make the right decisions?

Loans From Nonprofit Board Members

Should a nonprofit organization accept a personal loans from a board member? A starting point for a discussion with your board or financial advisor.

Ask Rita: Downsizing from Employees to Independent Contractors?

We are considering changing some of our employees into independent contractors as a cost-saving measure. What is the potential downside?

The Car Donation Controversy and the Right Way to Donate Your Car

Let’s review the rules around car donations, with some tips on how to donate, and how to get great mileage from a few donations a year.

Succession Planning for Nonprofits of All Sizes

Planning for executive director transition is called succession planning: Thinking in advance about setting the stage for strong transitions.

The 411 on Starting a Car Donation Program

A car donation program is a great way for a nonprofit to expand its donor base and provide new ways to involve existing donors and volunteers.

Advice for Servicemembers and Veterans Looking at Nonprofit Jobs

Keira Havens makes a case for nonprofits to servicemembers and veterans thinking about going to work in nonprofits.

New Thinking and Talking About Volunteers

With volunteers of all ages coming, it’s even more urgent that we change the way we talk — and think — about volunteers.

A Board Leads an Organization Out of the Ashes

A board chair shares how their organization found itself on the precipice of bankruptcy and then was able to walk away.

From Air Force Captain to Nonprofit Fundraiser

Keira Havens reflects on her career change from the armed services to working in fundraising for the nonprofit sector.

Nonprofit Layoffs and Furloughs: Do Them Right

Advice for nonprofit HR departments that need to correctly perform layoffs, furloughs, and temporary shutdowns.

When You Lose Your Health Insurance Coverage

Health care is a society-wide crisis as well as a personal, individual one, and there aren’t ready solutions on either level.

Layoff Stories from Blue Avocado Readers

We asked Blue Avocado readers to tell us how you found out you had gotten laid off. Too often grace and consideration aren’t part of it.

Laid Off From a Nonprofit: Me!

While the need for nonprofit services continues even in bad economic times, workers are just as vulnerable to layoffs as any other industry.

The Nonprofit Board’s Role in HR

The role of the board of directors in personnel or human resource administration is frequently a sticky issue for nonprofits.

Will Obamaniacs Change Nonprofits?

Can the “Obama movement” – with its community organizing and its newly empowered warriors for change – revitalize nonprofits?

George W. Bush’s Legacy: A Dramatic Increase in Volunteer Spirit

Carol Stone applauds President George W. Bush for bringing the visibility, recognition, and importance of volunteering to new heights.

Ten Nonprofits that Shaped the Life of Martin Luther King Jr.

Did you know that hundreds of nonprofit organizations helped make Dr. King who he was? And do you know what they’re up to today?

New Growth from Old Wood: Heroes & Nonprofits (and Sarbanes-Oxley)

Heroes don’t act alone: Nonprofits support heroes, and heroes understand nonprofits are impactful platforms for evolving social movements.