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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

Raise Money in 30 Days

Sometimes you need to raise funds in a hurry. Here are some ways to raise modest funds in a pinch.

Foundations: Fleas or Elephants?

Pam David, Executive Director of the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, shares lessons learned about philanthropy since coming to it from government.

Nonprofit Conflict of Interest: A 3-Dimensional View

Conventional approaches to classic conflicts of interest. Model policies that address these concerns. Non-financial conflicts of interest common to many nonprofits. Steps an organization can take to handle conflicts of interest and more detailed sample policies.

Married Co-Executive Directors of Nonprofits

Meet two married couple co-executive directors of nonprofits. What organization wouldn’t want two for the price of one?

Taking On the Big Stuff

A fast look at just four critical areas facing American society today: Poverty, race, environment, and democracy.

Three Easy Ways for Foundations to Support Democracy

Pablo Eisenberg shares some reforms that speak to democracy in the United States, and that would be pretty easy for foundations to do.

Golden Rule of Board Resignations

The Golden Rule of Board Resignations: When you resign, do it the way you would like others to resign. Whatever your reason, resign right.

Ask Rita: Can Employees Smoke Medical Marijuana at Work?

Do you need to accommodate the use of medical marijuana when making a hiring decision or for current employees?

Bylaws Checklist

This checklist points out the necessary elements in bylaws. It’s important to also stay compliant with applicable state and city laws.

Five Emergency “Musts” for Your Nonprofit

Blue Avocado shares five “must-have” emergency supplies for nonprofit workers to keep at their desks in case of disaster.

Ten Things I Learned About Leadership from Women Executives of Color

Some valuable lessons drawn from listening, observing, and laughing with women executive directors of color over the years.

Ask Rita: Is being a surrogate mother a profession?

Ask Rita explores whether an employee’s work as a surrogate qualifies as a second job that is in conflict with her employer’s agency.

Board Terms: 1 Year – 3 Years – 2 Years

Blue Avocado discusses unusual board terms with Jeanetta Issa, CEO of Child Abuse Prevention in Kansas City.

Volunteerism Public Policies Can Hurt Nonprofits

Policy analyst Rick Cohen discusses the four things we should be worried about with public policy and volunteers.

Telecommuting and Flexible Work Arrangements: Do Them Right

Robin Erickson, Director of Finance and Administration for an environmental nonprofit, shares her organization’s approach to telecommuting.

Working from Home: Sidebar on Legal Issues for Nonprofits

Take these guidelines into consideration when adopting alternative work arrangements for your staff.

Rockefeller Foundation and NY Times Win “Just Awards”

Rockefeller Foundation and NY Times announced as the “winners” of the first-year Just Awards for dubious contributions to nonprofit sector.

Sample Nonprofit Policy on Social Networking

Developing a social media policy for your nonprofit organization can be difficult. These guidelines can help.

Can nonprofits regulate what employees do on social media?

Regulating what nonprofit employees say and do on social media is a slippery slope. Here’s some guidance to help nonprofits.

Knitting Makes Me a Better Executive Director

Hoong Yee Lee Krakauer, Executive Director of the Queens Council on the Arts in Jamaica, New York tells what she’s learned from knitting.

All-Volunteer Organization Resources

All-Volunteer Organizations (AVO) are some of the most important nonprofit organizations around; here are some relevant articles for AVOs.

Eight Strategic Mistakes with Memberships

Eight strategic errors nonprofit organizations often make that stand in the way of “smart growth” in their membership numbers.

Attack of the Tax-Exemption Killers

Rick Cohen spotlights attacks by financially starved local and state governments to squeeze extra nickels and dimes from nonprofits.

Nonprofit Business Model Statements

Like a mission statement, a business model statement acts as a touchstone: A reminder and guide for the organization’s focus and strategies.