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Navigating the nonprofit world can be challenging. Blue Avocado offers expert guidance on a range of topics — from building strong boards to maximizing your fundraising impact. Explore our latest posts for practical tips, strategies, and solutions to common issues facing nonprofit organizations today.

Collective Impact: Resistance is Futile

Collective Impact (CI) has covered lots of ground, but like taking naps at work, it should be done strategically and sometimes not at all.

Stuck Between a Financial Crisis Wrought by the Founder and a Hard Place

A deputy director describes the crisis at an organization where the founding executive director left, and how the organization almost closed.

Twelve Ways to Get a New Executive Director Off on the Right Foot

If you’re on a board, before you turn over the reins, these ideas will help your new executive director get acclimated to their new role.

All Hands on Board: The Board of Directors in All-Volunteer Organizations

This booklet was originally published by the National Center for Nonprofit Boards and the Support Center for Nonprofit Management.

Donor-Advised Funds: Non-Transparent Tax Shelters for Good

Donor-advised funds are believed to incentivize charitable giving. Donors get to pick from a smorgasbord of benefits. Nonprofits struggle.

Ditch Your Board Composition Matrix

Board composition matrices focus our attention on what people are, rather than on what the organization needs board members to do.

Donor-Advised Funds Background

A brief introduction to donor-advised funds (DAFs). A DAF typically affords the advantages of two kinds of anonymity for a donor.

Is Coming to Work Required to Keep My Job?

An employee with a disability requests intermittent leave as an accommodation. But coming to work is an essential function of the job.

High Pay for Nonprofit Execs? Analysis of 100,000 Salaries

Everybody has an opinion about nonprofit executives’ salaries, but almost nobody has any real data outside their own experiences.

And Now for a Different Type of Board Agenda

Board meeting time is precious time, and the fulcrum of board-staff opportunity or disappointment. Let’s be smarter about how we use it.

Stance: The ED’s Role and Attitude in Strategic Planning

An overlooked but crucial element in strategic planning is the attitude or stance that the executive director takes to the process.

Coming Out as a Christian

Kim Klein declares the that she is a Christian, calling for all who are religious to stand against the war on women and people of color.

What’s the Right Size for the Board?

The single most common question asked of experts on nonprofit boards: What’s the right number of people to have on the board?

Take A Fresh Look at Scrip Fundraising

Increasingly, nonprofits are finding scrip to be a comparatively easy way to raise funds. How does scrip fundraising work, anyway?

Organizing the Board to Support Nonprofit Revenue Strategy

Think more broadly (and effectively) about how board members can support the key aspects of your nonprofit revenue strategy.

How To Use Text Messaging for Nonprofit Outreach

Doug Plank of MobileCause explains the benefits of using text messaging to reach people for nonprofit outreach.

Questions to Ask Prospective Board Members

Spend a few minutes ahead of time thinking about what to ask prospective board members to get a better idea if it’s a good match.

Vanguard Foundation Update: With Leader Pleading Guilty, “Truth and Reconciliation”?

Rick Cohen provides thoughts about the fall of the Vanguard Foundation and the impact on the nonprofit sector.

Nonprofits: How to Survive an IRS Audit

The true life story of an environmental organization’s audit, how they survived, and their tips for the rest of us.

The Automatic Nonprofit Salary Calculator

A tongue-in-cheek version of the familiar Salary Calculator model to comment trenchantly on the indiscriminate — and not so indiscriminate — differences in how nonprofit staff get paid.

Executive Director Evaluation Survey Form

A process and an evaluation instrument for executive director evaluation surveys. Includes survey in Word format for easy modification.

Vanguard Foundation Update

An update on Vanguard CEO Hari Dillon and major donors involved with businessman Mouli Cohen and a series of get-rich-quick schemes.