Sample Silent Auction Bid Sheet

A sample silent auction bid sheet — available as an Excel spreadsheet download for your nonprofit to modify.

Sample Silent Auction Bid Sheet
1 min read

Use or modify this sample for your nonprofit’s silent auction fundraisers.

Download this form as an Excel spreadsheet to modify: Sample Silent Auction Bid Sheet

About the Author

Dennis Walsh, CPA, volunteers his post-retirement time helping North Carolina nonprofits with accounting concerns, work for which he recently received the Community Service Award from the Guilford Nonprofit Consortium. He shares his expertise nationally with nonprofits through Blue Avocado. Through the Deborah and Dennis Walsh Foundation, he has also published “Legal & Tax Issues for North Carolina Nonprofits” and Man From Macedonia, a memoir by civil rights leader Aaron Johnson. Dennis also authored the Blue Avocado article Nonprofit Bookkeeping Test, which is one of the ten most viewed Blue Avocado articles of all time. Dennis can be reached through the Micah Project. A version of this article was published by the Planned Giving Design Center.

Articles on Blue Avocado do not provide legal representation or legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice or legal counsel. Blue Avocado provides space for the nonprofit sector to express new ideas. Views represented in Blue Avocado do not necessarily express the opinion of the publication or its publisher.

2 thoughts on “Sample Silent Auction Bid Sheet

  1. to whom it my concern. i have been trying for a year to submit a bid. and also do a work sheet also to submit and a website and i haven had any luck. please help.
    i have a nonprofit temporary housing.
    Please help
    Thank you

  2. to whom it my concern. i have been trying for a year to submit a bid. and also do a work sheet also to submit and a website and i haven had any luck. please help.
    i have a nonprofit temporary housing.
    Please help
    Thank you

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