Tim Mueller

Tim Mueller was born in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1950, went to college in Ames, Iowa, and moved to Danbury, Connecticut in 1971 to become a rock ‘n’ roll star. In the meantime, he worked for 32 years in the post office, ending up in Eugene, Oregon. There he met his wife, Nel, and Michelle Gonzales (Jones) with whom he and Steve Brown birthed KindTree – Autism Rocks. He has served as the secretary/treasurer on KindTree’s Board of Directors for 26 years, as well as webmaster, social media operative, co-camp organizer, and more. He also serves in the OCF Community Village Coordinating Council, spent 6 years on the Eugene Police Commission, and worked for many years as a NALC Union Steward. He still makes music in STEEEL WOOL Band. He has 3 daughters and 3 grandchildren.

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