You Can’t Fire Me, I’m a Volunteer!

If you’re too busy to deal with a disgruntled volunteer, she might quit, take all of her friends, and besmirch the organization’s good name.

You Can’t Fire Me, I’m a Volunteer!
5 mins read

If you’ve worked in volunteer management for any length of time, you’ve probably heard some version of this fear-inducing refrain.

Your first encounter with it may be as a direct threat, a mild joke, or overheard when the volunteer speaking doesn’t know you’re around. And I’m going to tell you the truth: there is no easy resolution to this comment.

Fortunately, there is only one wrong choice. But unfortunately, the wrong choice is the one you most want to make: to pretend you didn’t hear it, accept it as a joke, or apologize to the threatening individual hoping they will forget it and move on.

You’re much better off understanding the gravity of the situation, doing some institutional soul seeking, and looking at how things have evolved from the perspective of what’s most likely a long-time volunteer. What’s actually going on and what can you do about it?

Behind the Curtain

When someone shares this sentiment, what they’re really saying is, “I disagree with what is being asked of me. This is different than my past experience here and I’m going to refuse!” Put another way, this comment is a powerplay by volunteers who don’t believe in the current leadership. Understanding both recent changes in the organization and the relationship of the person to these changes can help.

The first time I heard a volunteer say this, it didn’t refer to my direct leadership: it was about someone I supervised. I overheard two volunteers talking and convincing each other it was OK to refuse specific directions given by their supervisor. I selfishly chose not to intervene, thinking this was their problem to handle, not mine.

A few months later, the same two people were “poisoning the well” by sowing discontent with other volunteers. At that point, it became very much my problem because the cancerous attitude was spreading and began to cripple our ability to provide services efficiently and effectively.

As they say, once the coach loses the locker room, there’s not much point left in keeping the coach.

Addressing Volunteer Dissatisfaction

The right way to handle disgruntled volunteers is simple. The core thing to remember is that communication is key.

People fear what they don’t understand, and all too often volunteers are kept in the dark when nonprofits change strategy or processes:

  • Listen to concerns and invite volunteers to freely share solutions and challenges. What changes don’t align with their take on the broader vision of the nonprofit, and are they even aware of your goals and overarching strategies? Perhaps a bit of context can sort things out.
  • Identify how tasks and roles fail to advance the organization’s mission, or clarify how they do. Identify the disconnect so you know what intervention will be most effective.
  • Respond! Based on insights from the first two steps, take the appropriate action. This might include explaining changes in your goals and operations and sharing why those were made, and how new strategies can lead to more impact on those you serve.
  • If possible, invite feedback about the changes and any new roles and processes. People who are allowed to provide input, even when that input isn’t incorporated, are more likely to have buy-in to processes instead of trying to sabotage them.

In my case, once I realized the problem was expanding, I intervened. I explained the changes and new processes to each volunteer, allayed their fears that they would no longer be useful, and helped them understand how the changes would enable us to serve even more people. All it took was a quick chat to help them realize these changes were good for everyone!

Remember that if you’re too busy to deal with a disgruntled volunteer now, the biggest threat isn’t that she or he will quit; it’s that she’ll quit, take all of her friends with her, and besmirch the good name and reputation you worked so hard to build up—all because you were afraid or too busy to bring her into the loop.

Everyone wants your cause and organization to succeed, but everyone also wants to be in the know. Just because volunteers are not staff, they are still due the same consideration around sharing important changes and evolutions of your strategy and approach.

Take the time to respect their critical role in advancing your work, especially before they point out you’re not paying them, and everyone will be a lot happier. And lastly, be OK with criticism and also aware that you cannot make everyone happy all the time. In the end, we are all here to serve the mission.

Have you run into challenges managing and even firing volunteers? Share your stories in the comments below—I want to hear from you!

About the Author

Kevin M. Ressler, MDiv

Articles on Blue Avocado do not provide legal representation or legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice or legal counsel. Blue Avocado provides space for the nonprofit sector to express new ideas. The opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect or imply the opinions or views of Blue Avocado, its publisher, or affiliated organizations. Blue Avocado, its publisher, and affiliated organizations are not liable for website visitors’ use of the content on Blue Avocado nor for visitors’ decisions about using the Blue Avocado website.

2 thoughts on “You Can’t Fire Me, I’m a Volunteer!

  1. Our biggest issue is communication with volunteers once they are all set-up, trained, and ready to do the work. They come in super excited about doing the work, they show up for the training, and seem like motivated, inspired, and responsible people Then we will try to schedule something and they just don’t respond. We reach out through email, text, and calls, but all we get are “crickets”. It then becomes a question of “chasing” them down or letting them go. Since we have no idea what they are thinking because they are not responding to any form of communication, we find it difficult to know which direction to go. We are a small nonprofit and the most committed volunteers/staff are also the most busy and don’t have time to chase volunteers. This year we have done a small amount of chasing and then let it go for a couple months, and remove them from our volunteer list. We have notified a few (via email) that we are doing this and, other times, we have just removed and waited for them to contact us. In both cases, we have gotten no response. We find it frustrating as we were happy to have these people on board and want to let them know we don’t dislike them but we need reliable and committed volunteers to help us complete our projects. Since these are volunteers, it seems some of them feel they can just leave without any notice or consideration for the organization as a whole. We would love to know if others experience this and how they deal with it.

  2. I am sincere sorry to hear about this situation. It must adversely affect your nonprofit’s effectiveness.

    As you’ve described a chronic issue, and expressly acknowledged that the new volunteers are initially enthusiastic and responsible, there is obviously some systemic problem within your organization. You really, really need to spend time drilling down to find out what it is (and then do whatever is necessary to fix it).

    It’s unhelpful, but unsurprising, that the unhappy/disengaged volunteers won’t communicate with you. Most people prefer to avoid arguments … especially when they believe they cannot affect the outcome.

    Good luck,


    P.S. “Since these are are volunteers, it seems some of them feel they can just leave without any notice or consideration for the organization as a whole.” Guess what? They are 100% correct.

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