Strategic Planning
Raise Money in 30 Days
Sometimes you need to raise funds in a hurry. Here are some ways to raise modest funds in a pinch.
Nonprofit Conflict of Interest: A 3-Dimensional View
Conventional approaches to classic conflicts of interest. Model policies that address these concerns. Non-financial conflicts of interest common to many nonprofits. Steps an organization can take to handle conflicts of interest and more detailed sample policies.
Bylaws Checklist
This checklist points out the necessary elements in bylaws. It’s important to also stay compliant with applicable state and city laws.
Board Terms: 1 Year – 3 Years – 2 Years
Blue Avocado discusses unusual board terms with Jeanetta Issa, CEO of Child Abuse Prevention in Kansas City.
Telecommuting and Flexible Work Arrangements: Do Them Right
Robin Erickson, Director of Finance and Administration for an environmental nonprofit, shares her organization’s approach to telecommuting.
Who is Responsible for the Board Doing a Good Job?
Despite the importance of the nonprofit board, there’s strikingly little clarity about who is responsible for its performance.
What to Do When You Really, Really Disagree with a Board Decision
Most of the time, nonprofit boards work through consensus. But what if you think a serious mistake is being made?
Our Executive Director is Embezzling
It’s the call no board member wants or expects to get: The organization’s executive director is being investigated for embezzlement.
Can Nonprofit Boards Vote By Email?
Attorney Gene Takagi and Emily Nicole Chan discuss whether nonprofit boards can vote by both mail and email.
Ask Rita: Criminal Records Checks for Prospective Staff and Volunteers
Ask Rita explores how nonprofits should do criminal record checks on prospective employees, volunteers, and board members.