Strategic Planning
Executive Director Evaluation Survey Form
A process and an evaluation instrument for executive director evaluation surveys. Includes survey in Word format for easy modification.
The Philanthropic-Consultant Industrial Complex
Rather than supporting nonprofits, foundations and consultants are increasingly telling nonprofits what they should be doing.
Evaluating the Executive Director
Board evaluations of ED performance are radically different from any other type of performance review and must be approached differently.
The Governance/Support Model for Nonprofit Boards
Much of the confusion about board responsibilities is confusion between what the board does (as a body) and what individual board members should do.
When Kids Volunteer: Liability Basics
If kids are among your clients or constituents, then getting them involved is a natural. But you’ll want to be sure you’ve got basic protections in place first.
Nonprofit Personnel Files — A Guide from Ask Rita
An overview of how to manage your organization’s personnel files and a checklist of documents to include in a personnel file.
12 Ways for New Nonprofit Executive Directors to Succeed
Some easy and important ways for board members to help a new executive get started quickly and on the right foot.
Firing My Friend, the Founder
A board member shares a story about the difficult process of firing a nonprofit founder when money just wasn’t coming in.
Regrets of a Former Arts Funder
Rethinking what defines art and how the less mainstream types can be protected and encouraged.
The 7 x 7 Board Member Briefing
7×7 board briefings are when each board member makes a 7 minute presentation, followed by 7 minutes of questions, answers & responses.