Strategic Planning
Speed Up the Board Recruitment Process!
Three easy ways to accelerate the nonprofit board recruitment process by pre-qualifying prospective candidates.
Too Many Nonprofits? No — There Aren’t Enough Good Nonprofits
A vibrant, rough-and-tumble ecosystem of nonprofits serves our society best — rather than bemoan its complexity, we should treasure it.
Six Things Every Board Member Should Know About the New 990
Jeanne Bell shares six things that nonprofit organizations should know about the IRS’ new revised 990 nonprofit tax return.
Succeeding With (or Maybe in Spite of) Evidence-Based Practices
Nonprofits face increasing pressure to show that their programs are evidence-based. How to “tweak” these practices to your own populations.
Nonprofit Embezzlement: More Common and More Preventable Than You Think
Embezzlement is especially painful for community nonprofits. Here are the most common types of nonprofit embezzlement and how you can deal with them.
The Board Builds Its Sense of Self: Body-Building for Nonprofit Boards
Perhaps the single most important attribute of an effective board is also its most intangible: An independent sense of itself.
Three Steps to Effective Board Oversight of Insurance
Be sure that your nonprofit is getting the most value out of your relationship with your broker, and with your insurance companies.
Closing Down the Right Way
Blue Avocado shares steps for how a nonprofit organization can shut down its operations and ride into the sunset gracefully.
Nonprofit Retirement: Calculating retirement Needs & Exploring Choices
Part one in this three-part series on nonprofit retirement looks at calculating retirement needs and using that information to explore choices
Is It Time for an Audit?
Is an audit worth the expense for a nonprofit’s board of directors in these tough economic times?