Search Results for: node/board
Board Assessments with Sample Management Questions
Four reasons your nonprofit and its mission can benefit from conducting a board evaluation.
How Did This Happen? Part 2 of the Vanguard Foundation Story
Blue Avocado concludes an exploration of how it was possible for Vanguard Public Foundation to have come to such an inglorious end.
Can Nonprofit Boards Vote By Email?
Attorney Gene Takagi and Emily Nicole Chan discuss whether nonprofit boards can vote by both mail and email.
Ten Things Boards Do Right (Without Even Realizing It)
Boards and board members don’t get credit for some important work they do without even realizing they are doing it.
What to Do with Board Members Who Don’t Do Anything
In this Board Cafe column, look at short-term and long-term strategies for the board members known as deadwood or worse.
Engaging Board Members: AAA Then and Now
Use AAA (Ambassador, Advocate, Asker) to engage your nonprofit board members who are not comfortable asking for money.
The Board Builds Its Sense of Self: Body-Building for Nonprofit Boards
Perhaps the single most important attribute of an effective board is also its most intangible: An independent sense of itself.
7 Ideas to Build a Healthy Board Nominating Process
The nominating process is vital to creating a healthy and stable nonprofit. Use these tips to help you nominate engaged, strong board members for your organization.
Ten Myths About Nonprofit Boards
Ten of the most common myths about nonprofit boards, and the reality of the situation for each item.
How to Keep the Board Under Your Thumb
Nonprofit executive directors often want boards to have lively discussions followed by votes that agree with the executive director.
Questions to Ask Prospective Board Members
Spend a few minutes ahead of time thinking about what to ask prospective board members to get a better idea if it’s a good match.
How to Persuade a New Generation to Join Your Nonprofit’s Board
Highlighting the personal and professional benefits of serving on your nonprofit’s board can help you make the role more appealing to younger candidates.
What is an Advisory Board and Should We Have One?
Here are some guidelines for advisory committees, as well as a sample letter inviting an individual to join such a group.
Extreme Board Makeover
Executive directors often say that their boards need training. The most effective way to change a board is to change the people on it.
What’s the Point of a Nonprofit Board, Anyway?
Here we take an unconventional look at three dimensions of why boards exist: Legal reasons, mission reasons, and political reasons.
Meaningful Acts of Appreciation for Nonprofit Boards and Staff
It often seems that efforts between board and staff of appreciation feel trivial at best, and even hypocritical or enraging at worst.
Five Tips for Better Board Packets
Packets can give more than information, if done right, they can improve board confidence in the staff and in the board-staff relationship.
Key Qualities and Skills to Look for in Potential Board Members
Nonprofit leaders answer the question, “What are the key qualities and skills you look for in potential board members?”
A Board Member “Contract”
One way to be sure that each person on the board is clear on his or her responsibilities is to adopt a board member contract.
Meaningful Budget Work by the Board
The board has some important perspectives to bring to the discussion of the budget. Here some questions that take advantage of the board’s diverse community perspectives and the finance staff’s knowledge and skill.