Marketing and Communications
Elevate your nonprofit marketing strategy with practical advice and expert insights on a wide range of marketing and communications topics.
From branding and messaging to social media and public relations, discover the resources you need to effectively reach your audience and drive impact.
Social Media for Nonprofits: 6 Do’s and Don’ts
Sick of people telling you a hundred things your nonprofit should be doing with social media? Kaitlyn Trigger provides some dos and don’ts.
Stick With Old Media: Not Cool But it Works
In the age of social media, Holly Minch dares to defy the Twitter evangelists and make the case for the power of traditional print and radio.
America’s Dirtiest Job: Nonprofit Telemarketer?
Should telemarketers really be despised? Blue Avocado readers share their experiences making telemarketing calls for their nonprofits.
Eight Strategic Mistakes with Memberships
Eight strategic errors nonprofit organizations often make that stand in the way of “smart growth” in their membership numbers.
Nonprofits and Copyrights: What You Need to Know
Copyright attorney Kate Spelman shares how your nonprofit can protect its original material and ensure you’re not improperly using someone else’s material.
How I Raised $1,000 on Facebook Without Breaking a Sweat
Nelson Layag shares how he was able to utilize social media features to raise money to support organizations in his community.
The Secret to a High Impact Annual Report
There are only four things people look at in a nonprofit’s annual report. Focus on what people actually read.
Nonprofit Email Sign-Offs
Blue Avocado readers share their ways of signing off on nonprofit emails. The consensus is quick, and in keeping with the tone of the email.
Nonprofits and the Media
Examining the intertwined relationship between nonprofits and the media.