A key part of running a successful nonprofit is securing the vital resources needed to fuel your mission. Explore the ever-evolving strategies, innovative techniques, and best practices that drive successful nonprofit fundraising campaigns.
These articles aim to provide valuable insights into donor engagement, grant writing, crowdfunding, and event planning, all designed to help nonprofit organizations thrive financially.
Check out our Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Fundraising for the best fundraising ideas and strategies.
Fundraising and Public Speaking
10 concepts that both public speaking and fundraising have in common: Goal setting, knowing your audience, visualizing success, and paying attention to the details.
A Case Study on Building a Nonprofit Donor Campaign
A case study that shows how valuable hard and soft data can be used to turn around declining contributions, and build stronger relationships with donors.
Welcoming Change, Not Just Dollars: What Every Grant Professional Wants Nonprofit Executives to Know
Nine areas of grant writing that are critical for nonprofit executives to understand if they are going to move from a merely transactional to transformational grant writing program.
It’s Not as Scary as You Think: 10 Easy Steps to Launch a Planned Giving Program for Your Nonprofit
Planned giving scares many who work in nonprofits. We think it’s too technical and takes too much time. Here are 10 easy steps to follow to get started with creating a planned giving program at your nonprofit.
Grantmaking in the 2020s: Giving Collectively, with Trust
Giving collectively (collective giving) helps nonprofits address community needs by giving unrestricted (& sometimes unsolicited) grants.
You Got the Grant! Now What?
Nonprofits that do not deliver on the terms of a grant contract are at risk of having to return the funding. Make sure you have a plan.
How to Run a Successful Nonprofit Without Grant Writing
Can you fund your nonprofit organization without relying on grant writing? Nonprofit funding without grants may be simpler than you think.
How Nonprofits Can Use Private Capital for Public Good
Nonprofits that access capital through instruments like social impact bonds, can help fund solutions to larger social problems.
Disrupting the Space of Disaster Philanthropy: A View from the Front Lines
Recovering from a disaster is not a quick process. Here’s how philanthropy must help local communities rebuild.
Ethical Storytelling for Nonprofits
When we embark upon what’s known in the nonprofit world as “donation season,” chances are that your organization thinks about putting together a fundraising video or other media that demonstrates the impact of your work.