Discussion Corner
Discussion Corner: Accounting Rules for Silent Auctions from Donated Articles?
Blue Avocado explores procedures concerning who is permitted to catalog and inventory donated items received by a nonprofit.
How Can We Help the Board Address Problematic Behavior from the President?
A Blue Avocado reader asks for advice when a Board of Trustees takes issue with the leadership management style of a President.
Kirk Kramer: An Uncomplicated Path for Developing Leaders
The Bridgespan Group’s Kirk Kramer suggests some new approaches to leadership development in recent papers. Here, he cuts right to the chase.
A Gay Activist is Conflicted about the Marriage Equality Campaign
What if you got a chance to chat over coffee with a deeply experienced, witty, and smart gay leader about the movement for marriage equality?
Updates on Some Sacred Cows
Rick Cohen updates on recent controversial articles on Teach for America, L3C corporations, and attacks on the nonprofit tax exemption.