Marion Reinson

Marion Reinson is the executive director of Eating for Your Health, a nonprofit in Princeton, New Jersey that takes nutrition out of the clinic and into the kitchen, where real change happens. Under Reinson, the group educates “eaters” from adolescence through later adult years about how to select and prepare delicious, whole-food meals—without processed ingredients. She works with a variety of community nonprofit and for-profit partners to deliver programs about food and nutrition in an easy-to-consume and non-judgmental manner).

Prior to being appointed executive director, Reinson was a member of EYH’s board of trustees under founder Dorothy Mullen, who started the nonprofit by coordinating shared meal meetings in homes and public spaces. Outside nutrition, Reinson has 20-plus years of experience in marketing and business consulting, designing strategies to meet the wide-ranging needs of businesses at distinct stages and challenges.

With her involvement with Eating for Your Health, Marion soon started gardening more, makes her own sauerkraut, and made gradual changes to cook and eat in a healthier way.

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