7 Key Factors for Building Peer-to-Peer Fundraising at Your Small Nonprofit
For small nonprofits it’s difficult to know where to start with fundraising for target programs. The problem is compounded when your nonprofit is located in a disadvantaged community. If you find yourself in this situation, peer-to-peer fundraising, centered on grassroots recruiting, could be the route to achieve your objectives in a well-defined timeframe.
Fundraising and Public Speaking
10 concepts that both public speaking and fundraising have in common: Goal setting, knowing your audience, visualizing success, and paying attention to the details.
Welcoming Change, Not Just Dollars: What Every Grant Professional Wants Nonprofit Executives to Know
Nine areas of grant writing that are critical for nonprofit executives to understand if they are going to move from a merely transactional to transformational grant writing program.
It’s Not as Scary as You Think: 10 Easy Steps to Launch a Planned Giving Program for Your Nonprofit
Planned giving scares many who work in nonprofits. We think it’s too technical and takes too much time. Here are 10 easy steps to follow to get started with creating a planned giving program at your nonprofit.
Grantmaking in the 2020s: Giving Collectively, with Trust
Giving collectively (collective giving) helps nonprofits address community needs by giving unrestricted (& sometimes unsolicited) grants.
How to Run a Successful Nonprofit Without Grant Writing
Can you fund your nonprofit organization without relying on grant writing? Nonprofit funding without grants may be simpler than you think.
How Nonprofits Can Use Private Capital for Public Good
Nonprofits that access capital through instruments like social impact bonds, can help fund solutions to larger social problems.
Can’t Raise Cash Through No VAULT of Your Own?
Seven results-based ideas and three relationship-based ideas on how to build your nonprofit’s capital structure.
Functional Expenses Decreased During Covid-19? How to Prepare for Conversations with Funders
It’s important to be open and honest in communications with funders. Nonprofits should articulate why the metrics may have changed.
How to Give Feedback to Your Funders—Especially When It’s Hard
Charities are forced to compete with one another for limited resources, and most will remain reluctant to bite the hand that feeds them.