Executive Director
The Very Good but Seriously Flawed Executive Director
No executive director has all gifts, and many are brilliant. But what about the nonprofit CEO who is terrific in some ways but whose strengths are matched with some troubling flaws as well?
Following a Founder or Long-Timer Requires a Hard Head
Blue Avocado asked for potential interviewees who had followed a founder or a long-time executive. We didn’t expect 58 people to respond.
Ten Things Boards Do Right (Without Even Realizing It)
Boards and board members don’t get credit for some important work they do without even realizing they are doing it.
Bring Unicorns Back to Our World: The Problem with Outcomes
How many outcomes and logic models can fit on the head of a pin? Humor columnist Vu Le enlightens us.
The Sustainability Question: Why Is It So Annoying?
The sustainability question at nonprofits: How will you sustain this program or project when funding from the So-and-So Foundation runs out?
Extreme Board Makeover
Executive directors often say that their boards need training. The most effective way to change a board is to change the people on it.
How to Keep the Board Under Your Thumb
Nonprofit executive directors often want boards to have lively discussions followed by votes that agree with the executive director.
Ten Biggest Mistakes Boards and Executives Make
“To err is human,” and as we all ruefully know, nonprofit board members and executive directors are typically human.
A Board Member Crosses the Line
How can nonprofits properly handle a board member when they cross the line?
Twelve Ways to Get a New Executive Director Off on the Right Foot
If you’re on a board, before you turn over the reins, these ideas will help your new executive director get acclimated to their new role.