Board Café
Four Ways to Remove a Board Member
How to remove a board member that consistently disrupts meetings or is otherwise destructive and demoralizing.
Five Lessons for Creating an Effective (and Accountable) Nonprofit Board
Help your board members avoid dysfunction and clearly understand their roles in supporting your nonprofit’s success.
Divorce and the Nonprofit Board Member
The story of a nonprofit board member going through the turmoil of divorce. How divorce made it difficult to serve on the board.
Who’s the Boss? The Board or the Executive?
There is an abundance of advice for nonprofit boards and EDs that speaks to the advantages of “partnership” and “open communications.” But sometimes that advice just doesn’t feel like enough.
The Very Good but Seriously Flawed Executive Director
No executive director has all gifts, and many are brilliant. But what about the nonprofit CEO who is terrific in some ways but whose strengths are matched with some troubling flaws as well?
How to Staff and Support a Committee
Nonprofit managers should know how to support a committee of volunteers: An Advisory Committee, a Board Finance Committee, or a coalition.
Getting to 100% Board Giving
Having 100% of board members make personal donations is a cliché. But, if you have this requirement, make it as easy as possible.
How to Keep the Board Under Your Thumb
Nonprofit executive directors often want boards to have lively discussions followed by votes that agree with the executive director.
Ten Biggest Mistakes Boards and Executives Make
“To err is human,” and as we all ruefully know, nonprofit board members and executive directors are typically human.
Conflict of Interest… or Conflict of Loyalty?
Often, conflicts of interest in nonprofits do not involve personal financial gain, but conflict of loyalty.