Sample Whistleblower Policy

A full sample nonprofit whistleblower policy for nonprofits looking to create such a policy in their organization.

Sample Whistleblower Policy

Includes employees’ rights and protections when they suspect wrongdoing.

Below is a sample nonprofit whistleblower policy. You can also download it here: Sample Whistleblower Policy

[Nonprofit] encourages its employees to report improper activities in the workplace and will protect employees from retaliation for making any such report in good faith.

Employee rights.

Employees have the right to report, without suffering retaliation, any activity by [Nonprofit] or any of our employees that the employee reasonably believes:

  • 1.) Violates any state or federal law.
  • 2.) Violates or amounts to noncompliance with a state or federal rule or regulation.
  • 3.) Violates fiduciary responsibilities by a nonprofit corporation.  

In addition, employees can refuse to participate in an activity that would result in a violation of state or federal statutes, or a violation or noncompliance with a state or federal rule or regulation.

Employees are also protected from retaliation for having exercised any of these rights in any former employment.

The whistleblower protection laws do not entitle employees to violate a confidential privilege of [Nonprofit] (such as the attorney-client privilege) or improperly disclose trade-secret information.

Where to report.

Employees have the duty to comply with all applicable laws and to assist [Nonprofit] to ensure legal compliance.

An employee who suspects a problem with legal compliance is required to report the situation(s) to the Executive Director or Chair of the Board of Directors if the complaint involves the Executive Director.

Employees may also report information regarding possible unlawful activity to an appropriate government or law enforcement agency.

Protection from retaliation.

It is the intent of this policy to encourage employees to report fraudulent or illegal activities and there shall be no retaliation for any reports made pursuant to this policy.

Any employee who believes they have been retaliated against for whistle blowing may file a complaint with either the Executive Director or the Chair of the Board of Directors.

Any complaint of retaliation will be promptly investigated and remedial action taken when warranted.

This protection from retaliation is not intended to prohibit managers or supervisors from taking action, including disciplinary action, in the ordinary course of business based on valid performance-related factors.

Please sign below to confirm you have read and understand the Whistleblower policy:

________________________________                    _______________________

Employee Signature                                                    Date


Employee’s typed or printed name

cc:       Employee, Personnel File

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Blue Avocado is an online magazine fueled by a monthly newsletter designed to provide practical, tactical tips and tools to nonprofit leaders. A small but mighty team of committed social sector leaders produces the publication, enlisting content from a wide range of practitioners, funders, and experts.

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