Leadership and Management
Enhance your nonprofit leadership skills with practical advice and expert insights on a wide range of leadership and management topics.
From strategic planning and decision-making to team building and organizational development, discover the resources you need to inspire and empower your team.
How Much to Pay the Executive Director?
Nonprofit board members are often puzzled when it comes to setting the salary of the executive director. Some legal and practical guidelines.
The Board Told Me I Had to Join Rotary
Wondered how to break into the traditional civic leadership networks? Joan Dixon explains why the Rotary may be the unexpected solution.
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Failure
Cate Steane shares her experience guiding her nonprofit through a harrowing organizational crisis and living to tell about it.
Raise Money in 30 Days
Sometimes you need to raise funds in a hurry. Here are some ways to raise modest funds in a pinch.
Foundations: Fleas or Elephants?
Pam David, Executive Director of the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, shares lessons learned about philanthropy since coming to it from government.
Nonprofit Conflict of Interest: A 3-Dimensional View
Conventional approaches to classic conflicts of interest. Model policies that address these concerns. Non-financial conflicts of interest common to many nonprofits. Steps an organization can take to handle conflicts of interest and more detailed sample policies.
Married Co-Executive Directors of Nonprofits
Meet two married couple co-executive directors of nonprofits. What organization wouldn’t want two for the price of one?
Golden Rule of Board Resignations
The Golden Rule of Board Resignations: When you resign, do it the way you would like others to resign. Whatever your reason, resign right.
Ten Things I Learned About Leadership from Women Executives of Color
Some valuable lessons drawn from listening, observing, and laughing with women executive directors of color over the years.
Board Terms: 1 Year – 3 Years – 2 Years
Blue Avocado discusses unusual board terms with Jeanetta Issa, CEO of Child Abuse Prevention in Kansas City.