Board Management
A Board of Directors is your compass for steering your nonprofit towards excellence and successful management of your board is key for sustainable growth.
Explore the strategies and tactics that can transform your board into a dynamic and cohesive team, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the nonprofit world.
And Now for a Different Type of Board Agenda
Board meeting time is precious time, and the fulcrum of board-staff opportunity or disappointment. Let’s be smarter about how we use it.
Board Support Position: Sample Job Description
A sample job description you may consider using or modifying to fit your nonprofit’s open board support positions.
What’s the Right Size for the Board?
The single most common question asked of experts on nonprofit boards: What’s the right number of people to have on the board?
Organizing the Board to Support Nonprofit Revenue Strategy
Think more broadly (and effectively) about how board members can support the key aspects of your nonprofit revenue strategy.
Questions to Ask Prospective Board Members
Spend a few minutes ahead of time thinking about what to ask prospective board members to get a better idea if it’s a good match.
Executive Director Evaluation Survey Form
A process and an evaluation instrument for executive director evaluation surveys. Includes survey in Word format for easy modification.
Evaluating the Executive Director
Board evaluations of ED performance are radically different from any other type of performance review and must be approached differently.
The Governance/Support Model for Nonprofit Boards
Much of the confusion about board responsibilities is confusion between what the board does (as a body) and what individual board members should do.
Should Staff Contact with the Board Be Restricted?
Should board members have contact with staff independent of the executive director? Opinion is sharply divided.
12 Ways for New Nonprofit Executive Directors to Succeed
Some easy and important ways for board members to help a new executive get started quickly and on the right foot.