Board Management
A Board of Directors is your compass for steering your nonprofit towards excellence and successful management of your board is key for sustainable growth.
Explore the strategies and tactics that can transform your board into a dynamic and cohesive team, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the nonprofit world.
Extreme Board Makeover
Executive directors often say that their boards need training. The most effective way to change a board is to change the people on it.
Nonprofits: How to Have a Board Meeting By Telephone
In most states, it is legal to have board meetings by telephone if everyone can hear one another at the same time.
Getting to 100% Board Giving
Having 100% of board members make personal donations is a cliché. But, if you have this requirement, make it as easy as possible.
How to Recruit Terrible Nonprofit Board Members
A list of 13 guidelines and practices that you can heed, if you want avoid recruiting terrible nonprofit board members.
How to Keep the Board Under Your Thumb
Nonprofit executive directors often want boards to have lively discussions followed by votes that agree with the executive director.
Ten Biggest Mistakes Boards and Executives Make
“To err is human,” and as we all ruefully know, nonprofit board members and executive directors are typically human.
Conflict of Interest… or Conflict of Loyalty?
Often, conflicts of interest in nonprofits do not involve personal financial gain, but conflict of loyalty.
A Board Member Crosses the Line
How can nonprofits properly handle a board member when they cross the line?
All Hands on Board: The Board of Directors in All-Volunteer Organizations
This booklet was originally published by the National Center for Nonprofit Boards and the Support Center for Nonprofit Management.
Ditch Your Board Composition Matrix
Board composition matrices focus our attention on what people are, rather than on what the organization needs board members to do.