Nonprofit Job Sites Reviewed and Rated

Where are the best nonprofit job sites, both to post and look for nonprofit jobs? A review and rating of 31 sites across several criteria.

Nonprofit Job Sites Reviewed and Rated

Where are the best sites to look for and post nonprofit jobs?

This article reviews and rates 31 sites for several specific criteria, and includes a Table of Contents and the Tom Battin Awards for Best Nonprofit Job Sites.

We’re grateful to Tom and many Blue Avocado readers who sent in their suggestions for creating this very useful resource.

For this article, we revisited, updated, and expanded the job websites we reviewed in our original piece for Blue Avocado (2009). We’ve also dropped some of the original ones. One important addition to this update are sites that use “web crawlers” to find jobs posted anywhere on the web, and then aggregate them for you.

First, the Tom Battin Awards for Best Nonprofit Job Sites:

But don’t ignore the other 27 sites in this directory! Many have special features that will make them the best for you.

First, the Tom Battin Awards for Best Nonprofit Job Sites:

  • Best all-around: Idealist
  • Best nonprofit site: Opportunity Knocks
  • Best commercial site: Simply Hired
  • Best international: Devex

But don’t ignore the other 28 sites in this directory! Many have special features that will make them the best for you.

About job sites

Job sites serve two audiences: job seekers and employers. Job seekers can look for potential nonprofit positions as

well as upload their résumés so that employers can seek them out. In addition, many sites offer tools to create and track cover letters, flag job postings, set up alerts for new listings, and track applications. For nonprofit employers, such job sites allow them to post jobs, search posted résumés to find candidates, and purchase recruitment services to enhance their hiring campaigns.

This is far from a complete list. We have focused on sites that:

  • Are either exclusively for nonprofit jobs or have a substantial number of nonprofit jobs
  • Update listings regularly
  • Include special, helpful features for either employers or job-seekers
  • Are either national or localized enough to be helpful.

Canadian listings are in a the regional category.

We have not included the hundreds of

© Blue Avocado / CompassPoint Nonprofit Services

websites, such as those of nonprofit associations where members can post openings, nor did we try to find all the

listservs and association newsletters where members post openings.

Criteria for rating

To critique the sites for usefulness, we established criteria to allow for comparisons:

  • How easy or hard is the site to navigate?
  • What is available for free?
  • What paid services are available?
  • How many job listings does each have?
  • Are jobs posted directly to the site by employers or does the site use a “web crawler” to aggregate jobs posted elsewhere?
  • Are there useful resources to help the job seeker and employer be successful?

Some sites allow you to send your request directly through to employers, while for others you need to create and send your own email. Some allow you to search on types of organizations, while others simply put them all into the same batch.

We like sites that help you get background on the nonprofit that has posted job listings and when they have interactive support and help for visitors. For those that allow you to post your résumé, we looked for flexibility in format, ability to edit and re-post résumés, and whether they include tagging for potential employers. In particular, we liked the ability to be sent an email when certain types of jobs appear.

We also wanted to see whether the site provided articles, links to relevant resources, how-to guides, and tools to help applicants find the right job.

To suggest changes: To suggest changes and additions, please submit the full listing as you believe it should be posted, along with your contact information to Making the suggested changes is at our discretion. In addition, everyone is encouraged to add information and experiences in the Comments section at the end of the article.

Special thanks to Blue Avocado readers for sending along additional ideas for sites and direction.

1.  Comprehensive nonprofit job sites

Scope: All categories of nonprofit jobs in the United States or international locations. Useful for getting a full picture of the types of opportunities available to job seekers or to identify candidates beyond one’s usual channels.   Phone: 646.786.6886 Email: via site Locations: New York, NY and Portland, ORFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 15 years. Revenue from donations, earned income for postings, and grants.
 ScopeUS national and international
 Listings6,752 jobs; 12,821 volunteer opportunities
 General usability
 Clean opening dashboard home page with summary counts of jobs, internships, events, etc., immediately available and quick links to the details of those listings. Current news/items listed with links to more in-depth information. Nice quick search on top of home page with advanced search capability. Easy to navigate and FAQs are readily available. Functions like a social networking site so it has a “community” orientation.
 Site is in English, French, or Spanish.
 Social media linksTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsProvides a search on country, state, city, keywords, area of focus, job category, and job types. Can narrow search results by employment type, education, professional level, salary, organization type, location, or language. Categories provide summary counts of contents.
  Can save search criteria and have updates emailed daily with new matches.
Registration/FeesFree to search; other features free after registration.
Job listings trackingSeeker can bookmark jobs and email link to external email address.
RésuméRésumé not loaded. Seeker builds profile online similar to Facebook or LinkedIn.
AlertsSeeker can set up regular alerts based on search criteria.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions. Can view employer profile on
ResourcesUser profile functions like Facebook with links to other seekers and organizations; job search tips, books, blogs, special ”grad” programs, ”info centers,” events, and links to external resources.
for the EmployerPosting feesOrganizations based in the U.S. are charged $60 per job listing. Volume discounts are available. All other listings, including internships and volunteer opportunities, are free for everyone. Organizations outside the United States post jobs for free.
How to post jobVia website form. Must register to post.
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesArticles on how to start and manage a nonprofit. “Nonprofit FAQ” was off- line.
Link to candidateVia job application. Can view seeker profile on
  OpportunityFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Opportunity Knocks is a national online job site, HR resource and
Knocks     Phone: 888.656.6257 Email: support@opportunityknoc Location: Atlanta, GA career development destination focused exclusively on the nonprofit community. We are committed to lead and support efforts that help further nonprofit careers and promote a robust workforce that enables organizations to complete their missions.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 20 years
ScopeU.S. national and some international
ListingsMaximum of 200 jobs displayed at one time; total count not provided. Test run on “executive director” for all areas returned 16 postings within the last month.
General usabilityClean opening dashboard on home page with a quick search at top and menu of quick links to more in-depth information. Current information on jobs, events, etc., on home page. Easy to navigate with specific website sections for job seekers and employers. Help is available in multiple ways via website, phone, or email.
Social media linksLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, “OK Radio” podcasts
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by keyword, company name, organization category, job function, employment term, and location: city/state, ZIP code/radius, or defined metro area.   Sort results by date, location, or company name. Can save search to “saved searches” box.
Registration /FeesFree to search; other features free after registration.
Job listings trackingSeeker can send listing to internal email box.
RésuméUpload multiple résumés and create
  cover letters. Additional service fee allows résumé to be highlighted for employers.
AlertsCreate “agent” based on a search to provide daily, weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly updates.
Links to employersApply to employer through the site. Must be registered.
ResourcesNewsletter, job search tips, webinars (for fee) on key topics, online chat option with OK staff.   Annual salary survey, newsletters, forums, books, events, nonprofit news, special reports.
for the EmployerPosting fees$100 per post to employer for 30 days. Résumé database starts at $109 for 1 week. Volume discounts and packages available.
How to post jobVia website form. Provision for multiple employer staff to have access.
Recruitment helpPackages enable access to résumé database for searching.
ResourcesSame as above
Link to candidateEmployer communicates with seeker via website.   Phone: NA Email: Location: San Francisco, CA and Washington, DC.FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Our mission is to build an international network of people empowered to fight for what’s right locally, nationally, and globally. We hope you’ll join us.”   Larger focus of is to facilitate grassroots campaigns. Job page is a sub-site of
Org type & longevitySocial venture, 6 years, fee for job posting
ListingsTotal count not provided. Test on “executive director” returned 13 listings.
General usabilityNice opening dashboard of summary content but a bit long as a page. Provides quick search on keywords or pre-defined job categories. Current listings and articles on home page. Separate areas for jobs and employers. FAQs are organized by topic but answers are to user questions rather than a summary explanation. Site has a “community” feel.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by keyword, job category, job type, work experience, cause.   Search results can be filtered by job category, work experience, job type, and cause.
Registration /FeesFree to search, track jobs after registration.
Job listings trackingSave to “My jobs” list
 Links to employersVia job posting instructions
ResourcesArticles, links to “experts,” job search tips, Q&A by topic/job area.
for the EmployerPosting fees$50 for 30 days
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone specific to employers
Link to candidateVia job application   Phone: 888.984.3547 Email: via website or Location: St, Louis, MOFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Founded in 1999, was created to give employers a tool to promote diversity and inclusion within their workplaces and to provide job seekers with easy access to those companies.” is a women- owned business.
Org type & longevityCommercial, 12 years, fee for service
ScopeU.S. national
Listings8,164 companies and organizations. Total job listings not available. Test run for “executive director” found none on site but provided 20 from “around the web.”
General usabilityNice opening dashboard with quick search and current information on home page. Menu tabs provide quick links to jobs, résumés, blog, and education opportunities. No obvious FAQs on how to use site or services. Ads are mixed in making it difficult to distinguish website content from advertising. Seems more oriented to employers seeking candidates.
 Social media linksLinkedIn, Facebook
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by key words and geographic category. If no listings in their list, supplemental listings are provided from general web search.
Registration /FeesFree after registration
Job listings trackingCan use “Job Fox” to track via email address. Requires separate account on Job Fox.
RésuméVia website form
AlertsCan set up by keyword and location.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesUser blog of articles, general articles on women in the workplace, job seeker tips, Internet search for additional external resources.
for the EmployerPosting fees$219 for 60 days. Discounts for longer periods. Additional fee based on listing priority in search results.($9.99-$59.99). Additional membership fees to view résumé database starting at $989 a month.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone identified
ResourcesNone identified
Link to candidateVia job application
  Community Career Center: Enterprise, Inc.   Phone: 702.809.8599 Email: Location: Natick MAFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“An on-line gathering place where not-for-profit employers and management personnel can meet one another.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 6 years, fee for service
ScopeU.S. national
General usabilityBasic home page with quick links to website listings or functions. How to use site instructions on home page. Easy to navigate.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by city, state, region, specific member organization, primary skill, job type, job title, and up to 3 defined keywords.
Registration /FeesFree to search
Job listings trackingNone
RésuméCreate profile using website form
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesLinks to external sites
for the EmployerPosting feesNon-members $125 per 60 days. Members get unlimited postings, access to résumé database, and marketing assistance for $1000/year.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpConsulting service to help in recruiting and screening candidates. Email Susan at
ResourcesLinks to external sites
Link to candidateVia job application. Members can access candidate profiles.
  Nonprofit Jobs Cooperative http://www.nonprofitjobs   Phone: CA: 213.346.3253; MA: 617.357.5550; DE: 215.991.3677 Email: CA: NE: or via website Location: California, New EnglandFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“The Nonprofit Jobs Cooperative is a collaboration of nonprofit Management Service Organizations (MSOs) from across the United States who have combined their efforts to create a nonprofit jobs site by nonprofits, for Nonprofits. The goal of the Cooperative is to use a regional focus and local presence to provide service on a national scale.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit Coop, 7 years. Fee for service.
ScopeU.S. national
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with quick search for jobs and latest job postings. Menu tabs click to website functions. No FAQs on how to use site but usage is pretty obvious.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsProvides search on keywords, region, job type, and organization type.   Search results can be sorted by job title, organization name, city, state, and post date.
Registration /FeesFree to seekers
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
for the EmployerPosting feesRegistration allows employers to post jobs. Fees vary by region for
  employers ($66-199).
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
Link to candidateVia job application

2.   General job sites: for both for-profit and nonprofit jobs

All categories of jobs in U.S. or international locations. Useful for getting a full picture of the types of opportunities available to job seekers or to identify candidates beyond one’s usual channels for any sector of the economy.

  Craigslist   Phone: NA Email: via website Location: San Francisco, New York and many other localized lists.FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“An email list of SF events, started as a hobby by Craig Newmark in early 1995.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 13 years, fees from ads
ScopeOrganized by location, site contains classified ads and user forums. Craigslist is considered a “go to” site for nonprofits.
ListingsNumerous listings that vary by location. 700 local sites in 70 countries. FAQs claim over 1 million postings a month. Test search in SF/Bay area site returned 167 listings for “executive director” in the “nonprofit sector” list.
General usabilityUser interface is basic but functional. Listings are organized by category or topic but essentially a serial list of postings. A good site for very localized listings of jobs.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsBy job area. Can refine by keyword and job term (full time, part time, etc).
Registration /FeesFree to seekers
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
for the EmployerPosting feesFor poster, fees range from $25-75 by
  geographic location.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
Link to candidateVia job application
  Career Builder   Phone: 773.527.3600 or 800. 638.4212 Email: via website Location: Chicago, IL with sales offices around the country.FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“As the global leader in human capital solutions, we help organizations target and attract their most important asset – their people. We use world-class technology, data- analysis, a comprehensive partner network and superior customer service to match the right people with the right jobs.” Site is owned by Gannett Co, Inc., Tribune Company, The McClatchy Company, and Microsoft Corp.
Org type & longevityCommercial, 16 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
ListingsTotal listings not available. 300,000 employers post more than 1 million jobs on Test run for ”nonprofit executive director” jobs gave 219 results.
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with quick search on jobs and drop down tabs for links to other functions or information. Good navigation but, as a commercial site, popup ads and offers are frequent.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by keywords, location, job category, employment type, salary range. When posted, and/or education level. Once a list is found, can narrow by category, company,
  city or state. List can be sorted on job title, company, location, and when posted.   “Job Recommendation Tool” provides automatic search based on résumé and past searches and applications.
Registration /FeesFree after registration for seekers. Additional fees to better position résumé in employer searches.
Job listings trackingSave to list with provision for notes
RésuméUpload document or paste text into website form. Online tool can help create a résumé. Create cover letters via website form.
Links to employersApply via website form to employer. Résumé and cover letters selected from online file.
ResourcesJob seeker tips, help with résumé writing, education opportunities, career tests, skills training, online courses, and more.
for the EmployerPosting fees$419 per post for 30 days. Discounts for multiple posts. Call 877.345.5256.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpOnline tools to facilitate screening of candidates
ResourcesTips for hiring, articles, forums, training opportunities, and events
Link to candidateApplicants apply online. Additional fees to search résumé database starting at $600 for 2 weeks, with discounts for longer terms.   Phone: 800.666.7837 Email: via website Location: New York, NYFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Monster Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: MWW) is the parent company of, the premier global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 17 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
ListingsTotal listings not available. Test run for “nonprofit executive director” jobs gave 479 results.
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with current listings, articles, and offers. Separate sections for job seekers and employers. Good navigation but, as a commercial site, popup ads and offers are common. FAQs and tips easily available.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by job title, years of experience, skills by keyword, location, company name, industry, posting date, salary, education level, job level, and/or job category.   Search results can be sorted on post date, job title, company, location, and miles from home.
Registration /FeesFree with registration
Job listings trackingYes
RésuméUpload or create online. Can create cover letters as well.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesJob seeker tips, help with résumé writing, education opportunities, career tests, skills training, online
  courses, and more.
for the EmployerPosting feesRegistration required to post. $210- 395 (based on location) for 30 days; discounts for multiple posts or longer terms. Additional fees for résumé database, recruitment help, and other services.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpCandidate screening, recruitment strategies, and résumé searches
ResourcesTips for hiring, articles, forums, training opportunities, and events
Link to candidateVia application or résumé database   Phone: 800.666.7837 Email: via website Location: New York, NYFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Indeed is the #1 job site worldwide, with over 40 million unique visitors and 1 billion job searches per month. Indeed is available in more than 50 countries and 24 languages, covering 94% of global GDP.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 17 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
ListingsThe site is a “job aggregator” that uses a “web crawler” over the web to find listings from over 10,000 sources. Average listings are over 1 million in a week. Test search found 1,097 listings for keyword “executive director.”
General usabilityClean home page with quick links to job search, tools, employer services, and partner publishers. Easy navigation. Searches very responsive. Multiple languages (12).
 Social media linksFacebook. Additional tools for mobile apps or browser plugins.
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by keyword or phrase, company name, job type (full time, part time, etc), salary, location, source website, age of post. Found list can be refined by same categories.
Registration /FeesFree after registration
Job listings trackingPassively saves jobs viewed or flagged for later review.
RésuméUpload résumé or create online using standard template.
AlertsDaily or weekly based on keyword or location
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesUser forums for Q&A, good FAQs on how to use site, job trends
for the EmployerPosting feesFee per click. Employer sets rate that will affect traffic.
How to post jobVia website form. Drive traffic to employer email.
Recruitment helpAdditional services can help employer highlight posting in job searches.
ResourcesEmployment trends
Link to candidateVia job application   Phone: 650.254.9000 Email: via websiteWebsiteNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Simply Hired is a vertical search engine company based in Silicon Valley, and we’re building the largest online database of jobs on the planet. Our goal is to make finding your next job a simple yet effective, enjoyable journey.”
Location: Mountain View, CAOrg type & longevityCommercial, 15 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
ListingsThe site is a “job aggregator” that pulls listings from other sites using “web crawler” technology. Site claims 5 million jobs and growing. Test run on keyword “executive director” returned 1,452 listings.
General usabilitySimple interface with quick links to seeker, employer, and publisher information. Search engine interface with modest number of ads. Good FAQs on how to use the site.
Social media linksFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, mobile search app
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords, location, post date, job type, experience, education, “special filters” (such as “Age 50+ friendly,” “Dog friendly,” etc.), job boards, recruiters, company size, company revenue, and geographic range. Uses Boolean logic within search phrases.   Can refine results by same categories once list is found.   Can set preferences for search criteria.
Registration /FeesFree after registration
Job listings trackingPassive tracking of viewed jobs and prompts to create a regular alert on criteria.   Click viewed job to save in personal list. Can add personal notes to listing and “rate” it.
AlertsCreate with keywords and location for daily or weekly updates to specified email address.
 Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesUser blogs, lists of “local” jobs, salary trends, employment trends, job seeking tips
for the EmployerPosting fees$49 for 15 days, $99 for 30 days, $199 for 30 days and publication to partner sites.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpStaff will facilitate a recruitment drive for a position.
ResourcesNone targeted to employer
Link to candidateVia job application

3.   Nonprofit executive positions

Executive positions, typically management team positions and other “C-suite” positions (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.)   Phone: 888.238.6611 Email:  or california@execSearches.c om Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL; Dallas, TX; and Los Angeles, CAFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“’s job board has been serving the nonprofit, government, education, and health sectors since 1999. Our goal is to be the most efficient, online source for connecting mission and talent.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 12 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national
Listings297 listings; 70,000 active members on site.
General usabilityNice opening dashboard home page with featured jobs, how to use site instructions, articles, and clear explanations of services for both seekers and employers. Menu tabs to website functions with clear instructions on how to use. Easy navigation.
Social media linksTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by keywords, job area, industry, and/or region.
Registration /FeesFree to seekers. Additional résumé help available for fee starting at $75 for 30 minutes.
Job listings trackingNone
AlertsEmail to external account
Links to employersCandidates respond directly to employers/recruiters per the instructions in the posting.
ResourcesArticles on job seeking, newsletter, career counseling
for the EmployerPosting fees$99 to post for 30 days. Discounts for longer terms.
How to post jobVia website form or by sending email to exec searches
Recruitment helpExecutive search services by contract. Initial consult free. 888.238.6611 or
ResourcesArticles for employers, newsletter
Link to candidateVia job posting response
  Bridgespan   http://www.bridgestar.or g/MyCareerCenter.aspx   Phone: 617.572.2593 Email: bridgestar@bridgespan.or g Location: Boston, MA; New York, NY; San Francisco, CAFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Founded in 2000 and incubated at Bain & Company, the Bridgespan Group ( is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps nonprofit and philanthropic leaders make strategic decisions and build organizations that inspire and accelerate social change. Bridgestar is dedicated to advancing your career and involvement in the nonprofit sector.” Named best nonprofit job board by
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 11 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
Listings339, of which 41 are board of director positions. Site reports 1 million site visitors per year.
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with quick links to job seeker “career center” and employer “recruiting center.” Good instructions and FAQs available in context. Easy navigation.
Social media linksTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on geographic location, job “domain,” job type, country, and organization function.
  Search results can be sorted by position, organization, or post date.
Registration /FeesFree with registration
Job listings trackingNone
AlertsEmail to external account
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesArticles, user stories, user forums, library, newsletters
for the EmployerPosting fees$100 for full time; $50 for part time or board of directors. Jobs post for 60 days and board of directors for 6 months.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpThe Bridgespan Group provides organizational consulting.
ResourcesArticles, user stories, user forums
Link to candidateVia job applications

4.  Nonprofit fundraising positions

Fund development staff positions in nonprofit organizations

  Charity Channel http://www.charitychann search/search-job- listings.aspx   Phone: 949.589.5938 Email: editors@charitychannel.c om Location: Rancho Santa Margarita, CAFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“CharityChannel is a resource that connects you to your nonprofit colleagues around the corner and around the world. Our Purpose: To foster a place where nonprofit professionals can learn from each other, share information and work together to advance the cause of philanthropy.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 19 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
General usabilityClean interface with menu choices for articles, forums, consultants, jobs, news, and events at site. Quick search by keyword. Easy navigation. No FAQs on how to use site but “Live Help” is available.
Social media linksTwitter
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords and ability to sort found list by country, state, position, and employer.
Registration /FeesCan search jobs for free, but $37 membership for more access.
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesArticles, user forums, online classes, consultant registry
for the EmployerPosting feesEmployers pay $127 per post for 120 days. Discounts for multiple posts.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesArticles, user forums, online classes, consultant registry
Link to candidateVia job application
  Chronicle of Philanthropy   www.philanthropycareers. com   Phone: 202.466.1200 Email: Location: Washington, DCFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the No. 1 news source, in print and online, for nonprofit leaders, fund raisers, grant makers, and other people involved in the philanthropic enterprise. For more than 20 years, The Chronicle has been connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 14 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with complete job search function and current information. Clicks to job search articles, interviews, job events, and employers. Good FAQs and “how to use site” instructions. Easy navigation.
Social media linksTwitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on location, keywords, position type, job field, and/or ZIP code. Can filter found list by date, position, field, or location.
Registration /FeesFree after registration
Job listingsTrack viewed jobs by saving to list
AlertsCreate and save search for daily or weekly update to email account.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesJob seeker advice, nonprofit news, articles, employer profiles
for the EmployerPosting fees$132 per column inch. Wide range of options for creating a print ad that is mirrored on site.   Online ads $175, volume discounts available. Added job listing enhancements are available at additional cost. Contact 202.466.1230.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpRecruitment packages available from $75-445
ResourcesNone specific to employer
Link to candidateVia job application
  On Philanthropy; Changing Our World, Inc. m/   Phone: NA Email: info@ChangingOurWorld. com Location: New York, NYFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“ is a global resource for nonprofit, philanthropy, and corporate social engagement professionals. is published by CauseWired Communications, a communications firm specializing in helping nonprofits and causes effectively communicate and secure the support to advance their mission.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 12 years, employer fees
ScopeU.S. national and international
 General usabilityNice dashboard home page with counts of jobs by location, experience, and job expertise. Both “featured jobs” and “sponsored results” listed. Menu tabs click to other information or resources. No FAQs on how to use site but easy to use and navigate. Modest number of ads.
Social media linksFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords, location, experience, and job expertise.
Registration /FeesFree
Job listings trackingNone
AlertsSend daily or weekly update to email address.
Links to employersApply via website or job listing instructions.
ResourcesArticles on books, foundations, gifts & giving, nonprofits, social ventures, and online activism. Links to external sites.
for the EmployerPosting fees$40 for 60 days. Volume discounts available. Extra fee to make listing a “featured job.”
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNot specific service here but available through JobThread ( or 877.715.6071). onPhilanthropy provides organizational consulting.
ResourcesNone targeted at employers
Link to candidatePer employer instructions
 FeaturesNotes & comments
Council on Foundations amsandservices/jobs/   Phone: 800.673.9036 Email: NA Location: Arlington, VAMission/purposeThe Council on Foundations is a national association of approximately 2,000 grantmaking foundations and corporations.
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 60 years, member fees
ScopeU.S. national
General usabilityBasic home page with simple list of job postings. Website current being revised. Drop down tabs provide links to Council information. No FAQs on how to use site.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsNo search or sort functions
Registration /FeesFree for members and collegial organizations; system currently being revamped.
Job listings trackingNone
RésuméSystem currently being revamped
Links to employersVia job description instructions
ResourcesArticles are available on a number of topics. Specific services are for members.
for the EmployerPosting feesFree for members and collegial organizations; current system being revamped
How to post jobNA
Recruitment helpNA
Link to candidateVia job application
  Philanthropy News Digest of the Foundation Center   http://foundationcenter.o rg/pnd/jobs   Phone: NA Email: Location: New York City; Washington, DC; Atlanta; Cleveland; and San FranciscoFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Philanthropy News Digest (PND), a daily news service of the Foundation Center, is a compendium, in digest form, of philanthropy-related articles and features culled from print and electronic media outlets nationwide. The Job Corner features current full-time job openings at U.S. foundations, grantmaking public charities, and nonprofit organizations.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 56 years
ScopeU.S. national
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with list of jobs organized by state and sidebar menu for additional information or services. Job search function on home page.
Social media linksMobile app
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsProvides search on organization type, job function, and state.
Registration /FeesFree to view, register for alerts
Job listings trackingNone
AlertsSelect by state and job type and sent to email address
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesArticles, conference calendar, blogs, podcasts, RFP listings, Links to external resources
for the EmployerPosting feesOrganizations may submit up to ten postings a month at no charge. Additional postings, and postings
  from for-profit executive recruiters or staffing agencies, will be charged a $50 (per job) handling fee.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employers
Link to candidateVia job application

5.  Nonprofit Technology

Technology positions in nonprofit organizations both in the U.S. and international. Listed alphabetically.

  Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) /   Phone: 415.397.9000 Email: Location: Portland, ORFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“NTEN aspires to a world where all nonprofit organizations skillfully and confidently use technology to meet community needs and fulfill their missions.   We are the membership organization of nonprofit technology professionals. Our members share the common goal of helping nonprofits use all aspects of technology more effectively.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 12 years
ScopeU.S. national and international
Listings1,141 job posts
General usabilitySimple interface with quick clicks to various resources. Jobs page is a user forum of jobs postings. FAQ explains how to use forum for posting a job.
Social media linksTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keyword search on blog listing of jobs. Organized by type and geographic region.
Registration /FeesFree to view
 Job listings trackingNone
AlertsVia RSS feed
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesSite has other resources for the nonprofit technology person.
for the EmployerPosting feesRegister to post
How to post jobVia website blog form
Recruitment helpNone
Link to candidateVia job application
  Development Executive Group   Phone: 202.249.9222 Email: Location: Barcelona, Manila, Tokyo and Washington, DC.FeaturesKey features and notes
Mission/purpose“Devex began as a student project at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in the year 2000. Today, our social enterprise has become the largest provider of business intelligence and recruitment services to the development community; serving a majority of the world’s leading donor agencies, companies, NGOs, and development professionals.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit,11 years, seeker and employer fees
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with summary counts of job listings organized by job level and sector for quick click. Home page has featured and recent listings. Easy navigation using menu tabs. Site provides for multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, and several Asian languages.   No obvious FAQs on how to use site.
  Has a community feel.
Social media linksTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsProvides search on keywords, job level, region/country, and contract length.   Search results can be filtered by region, job level, contract length, and region/country. Results can be sorted by job title, organization, country/region, job level, apply by, and post date.
Registration /FeesFree after registration. Additional membership benefits available for $114/yr.
Job listings trackingJob listings can be saved in “Favorites” folder. Applications are tracked when made to employer.
RésuméCreate online profile as well as upload résumé.
AlertsSelect job area and region to send daily or weekly to email address.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions. Employer profile online.
ResourcesJob seeking articles and advice, testimonials, events calendar, international development news
for the EmployerPosting feesA job post costs $395 for 30 days. Devex members receive free and discounted job posting options. An additional $175 gets the job featured on jobs page.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employers
Link to candidateVia job application

6.  Regional nonprofit sites

General positions in nonprofit organizations limited to specific geographic regions. Listed alphabetically by name of region.

    Chicago/Illinois   Phone: 312.372.4872 Email:, Location: Chicago, ILFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Lumity is a nonprofit organization that provides IT, finance, and training services to Chicago area nonprofits. is a full-featured job board that services only recognized nonprofits and certain government agencies (such as city offices and companies that provide the majority of their services to the nonprofit community) that desire to find staff with deep community service experience. is dedicated to free access for job seekers and low cost job posting for agencies seeking dedicated and talented staff.”   Managed by Lumity LEC. Ltd.
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 16 years
ScopeChicago area
General usabilityBasic interface with job listings. Quick search to find jobs by specific categories. Good FAQs on how to use site.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords, type of work, city, job title, job term, job description, location, and salary.
Registration /FeesFree to view; other functions accessible after registration.
Job listings trackingSave job postings to “My Saved Jobs” list. Tracks list of jobs applications.
RésuméCreate profile and upload résumé.
 AlertsCreate search with criteria and receive every 2 days to email address.
Links to employersCan apply online via website or per job listing instructions.
for the EmployerPosting feesRange of pricing options starting at $50 for 30 days. Packages allow for multiple postings for a date period. Premium posts are available for $120.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
Link to candidateVia website email or job application
    San Diego County   Nonprofit Management Solutions   Phone: 858.292.5702 Email: npsolutions@npsolutions. org Location: San Diego, CAFeaturesKey features and notes
Mission/purpose“San Diego is a program of Nonprofit Management Solutions. Nonprofit Management Solutions has been providing management assistance to nonprofits throughout Southern California since 1984, training over 90,000 nonprofit practitioners to run hundreds of nonprofit organizations more effectively during that time.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit , 27 years
ScopeNonprofit jobs in San Diego, Chula Vista, National City, El Cajon, La Mesa, Escondido, Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad – throughout San Diego County
General usabilitySimple list of jobs with easy navigation clicks to find by category
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsListings are organized as lists by Grantmaking, Management, Programs, Fundraising/ Marketing, Technology, and Support.
Registration /FeesFree
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesLinks to external nonprofit job sites. Many other resources are available on Nonprofit Management Solutions.
for the EmployerPosting feesFree
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted at employer
Link to candidateVia job application
Massachusetts Associated Grant Makers  
Phone: 617.426.2606
Location: Boston MA
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“AGM’s job listings are provided by AGM as a service to the community. Associated Grant Makers, Inc. is the only regional association of grant makers, both foundations and corporations with giving programs, serving in, or making grants in Massachusetts and surrounding areas.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit , 42 years
ScopeMassachusetts job listings
General usabilityProvides a simple list of job postings
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsList of job postings organized by Administrative, Consultant, Development, Executive Director, Grantwriting, Marketing, Program, Volunteer, and Other.
Registration /FeesFree
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesLinks to external sites. Other resources on Associated Grant Makers website.
for the EmployerPosting feesFree
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employers
Link to candidateVia job application
    Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance  
Phone: 215.399.3533
Location: Philadelphia, PA
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“The Cultural Alliance is committed to the power of arts and culture in our everyday lives. We connect cultural resources to community needs; provide direct services for nonprofit cultural organizations; produce direct marketing programs for cultural consumers and lead cultural research, advocacy, and policy work.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 39 years
ScopeJobs are of all types, including administrative, curatorial, development, education, financial, management, and senior-level positions, as well as volunteer opportunities.
General usabilityBasic list of jobs. Quick links to searches.
Social media linksTwitter
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on job title, keywords, job category, county, and discipline.
Registration /FeesFree
Job listings trackingNone
AlertsVia RSS or Twitter
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesNone on page but additional resources on Cultural Alliance site
for the EmployerPosting feesFree to members, $85 for nonprofit, $150 for for-profit. 30 day term.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employers
Link to candidateVia job application
Northwest States
Philanthropy Northwest  
Phone: 206.443.8430
Email: jobbank@philanthropynw .org
Location: Seattle, WA
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Philanthropy Northwest works to build a strong philanthropic community that reflects the diversity of the Northwest, connects people to each other so they can achieve more with giving, and inspires action to address critical problems in our society.”
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 12 years
ScopeThe job bank serves the Northwest nonprofit community: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.
Listings74 listed. 10-15 new listings a week.
 General usabilityNice opening home page with quick link to either post a job or search for one. Instructions and help email on home page. Easy navigation and help/FAQs in context.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, MySpace, and most “share” links
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords, job category, employee type, salary range, paid or volunteer, full time or part time, location and/or organization name.   Results can be sorted by post date, job title, organization, or city.
Registration /FeesFree to seeker
Job listings tracking81
Links to employersVia job posting instructions
ResourcesNone targeted to job seekers. Articles, programs, publications, trends, and directory are on Philanthropy Northwest website.
for the EmployerPosting feesFree to members. $39 for non- members to post. Jobs are posted for 45 days.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted at employer
Link to candidateVia job application
Job Site Midwest   NP ConnectFeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Nonprofit Connect links the nonprofit community to education, resources, and networking so organizations can more effectively achieve their missions.”  
Phone: 816.235.6259
Location: Kansas City, MO
Org type & longevityNonprofit, 28 years
ScopeIndustry-specific online job postings in the Midwest
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with menu tabs for quick links to information. Easy navigation.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keywords, company name, industry, job function, sector, city, state, description, and/or post date.
Registration /FeesFree to seekers
Job listings trackingNone
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesNonprofit Connect hosts Job Clubs and Job Fairs. Additional articles, events, training resources, and more on main site.
for the EmployerPosting fees$75 for a 60-day ad
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted at employer
Link to candidateVia job application
FeaturesKey features and notes
Mission/purpose“To build and strengthen Canada’s nonprofit sector by connecting nonprofits across the country with job seekers as well as suppliers of services and products.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 5 years, consultant fees
Phone: NA
Email: via website Location: Delta, BC
 support website
ScopeCanadian wide
General usabilityNice dashboard home page with quick links for job seekers and employers. Good set of FAQs on how to use the site. Easy navigation.   English and French.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and many more share sites
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by job type, job category, organizational sector, region, keywords, and/or post date.
Registration /FeesFree to view, register to use functions
Job listings trackingSave postings to “jobs folder”
AlertsCreate using search criteria for daily or weekly alerts to email address.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesSet of links to external sites
for the EmployerPosting feesFree for 180 day posting
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employer
Link to candidateVia job application
Charity Village   Phone: National:
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purposeCharityVillage® went online and quickly became the leading online source of information, news, jobs, services, and resources for the Canadian nonprofit community.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 16 years
800.610.8134 Toronto: 416.977.7227 or 1.888.977.7640 Email: Location: Toronto, Ontario; Vancouver, British ColumbiaScopeCanada wide
General usabilityGood dashboard home page with click buttons to jobs, news, training, resource library, and other nonprofits. Easy navigation. Good FAQs and tutorials in context throughout the site.   English and French.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch by location, region or postal code, position type, job category, organization focus, career level, salary range, and keywords.   Results can be sorted by post date, job title, organization, region, location, and deadline. Multiple jobs can be flagged and saved to personal folder at once.
Registration /FeesFree. Register to use alerts.
Job listings trackingSave to personal folder
AlertsSearch results can be saved as an alert for daily sending to email address.
Links to employersVia job listing instructions
ResourcesCareer assessment tools, consultation with career coach, workshops, articles, newsletters, and books.
for thePosting fees$257 nonprofit, $457 for
Employer profit per ad for 60 days; Discounts for volume purchases.
How to post jobVia website form
Recruitment helpNone
ResourcesNone targeted to employers
Link to candidateVia job application

7.  Sites Run by Recruiters

These sites are run by job recruiters to help employers find candidates that fit specific jobs. The job seeker often has to enroll on the site and is limited in what s/he can search.

  Professionals for NonProfits (PNP)  
Phone: 212.546.9091
Email: via website or  
Location: New York, NY; Newark, NJ; Washington, DC
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“What differentiates Professionals for NonProfits is our commitment to quality and our focus on the needs and interests of nonprofits. We are always seeking more effective and efficient ways to address your particular staffing requirements.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 15 years
ScopeAn employment agency for temporary and permanent jobs at nonprofit agencies in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, DC
General usabilityNice opening dashboard on home page with quick links to explanation of services. Easy navigation and help/FAQs in context.
Social media linksFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsCan view a list of current candidate searches underway for both direct hire and temporary contract positions.
Registration /FeesRegistration required to be considered for positions.
Job listings trackingNA
Links to employersRegister to be considered for positions
ResourcesLinks to articles about PNP on external sites, information on recent
for the EmployerPosting feesRecruitment under contract only
How to post jobNA
Recruitment helpProvides recruiting, contract employees management, and payroll services for a fee.
ResourcesInformation on recent placements, partial list of clients
Link to candidateVia recruitment service
Commongood Careers  
Phone: 617.542.1404
Location: Boston, MA
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“The mission of Commongood Careers is to enable innovative nonprofits to build strong organizations through the recruitment, retention, and development of outstanding talent.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 6 years
ScopeU.S. national, expanding internationally
General usabilityNice opening dashboard home page with current information and links. Menu tabs provide quick links to functions and information. Good explanations/ FAQs on how to use site. Easy navigation.
Social media linksFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, many share sites
Job SeekerSearch functionsSearch on keyword, functional area, and/or post date.   Results can be sorted by functional area, job title, organization, or metro region.
 Registration /FeesFree. Registration allows seekers to get alerts and apply for jobs.
Job listings trackingNA
RésuméApply online with résumé
AlertsBy subscribing to CGC newsletter current job postings are sent to email address.
Links to employersVia application through Common Good Careers
ResourcesArticles, tips for jobseekers, links to external sites, CGC blog, monthly newsletter
EmployerPosting feesOn average, the total cost for a search ranges from $15,000 to $25,000. Adding fees for job posting costs. Volume discounts are available. Contact CGC President, Cassie Scarano at 617.542.1404 or
How to post jobAs part of hire search contract
Recruitment helpPlanning, recruiting, and screening of candidates
ResourcesArticles on hiring best practices
Link to candidateAs part of hire search contract
Job Site Nonprofit Oyster  
Phone: 888.575.9675
Location: Winston Salem, NC
FeaturesNotes & comments
Mission/purpose“Our goal is to support the nonprofit sector by offering this venue for employers to post low-cost, high- functionality nonprofit-related job listings, and for candidates to search listings, and post their résumé online for employers to find. Our vision is to create, over time, a centralized nonprofit career center containing useful resources for both employers and candidates. We are also dedicated to donating 5% of our profits to support nonprofits whose
  missions are particularly close to our hearts.”
Org type & longevityCommercial, 10 years. Fee for service.
ScopeU.S. jobs
General usabilityNice opening dashboard home page with quick links to either job seeker or employer pages. Easy to navigate, no ads, and good FAQs.
ResourcesResources are links to other sites.
Social media linksNone
for the Job SeekerSearch functionsProvides search on pre-defined categories of key words, job function, industry, and state.
Registration /FeesRegistration allows seekers to set up alerts, post résumé, and apply for jobs.
Job listings trackingSeeker can save job listing to account.
RésuméSeeker can upload a résumé or create using online profile tool. Personal information is not included in résumé database.
AlertsSeeker can set up an alert using search criteria.
Links to employersSubmit application via website. Employers review anonymous résumé and then submit a contact request to seeker with details of their job opening.
ResourcesResources are links to other sites.
for the EmployerPosting fees$75 for 60 days. Volume discounts available.
How to post jobOn website
Recruitment helpFor additional fee, helps develop search plan, identify and vet
  candidates, and assist with selection.
ResourcesResources are links to other sites.
Link to candidateVia website by request of employer

Author Tom Battin is a nonprofit technology consultant and community organizer. He lives in Bangor, Maine and continues to ply his trade with various election campaigns. He is presently looking for suitable employment, hence the article.

Tom also created the popular What Kind of Nonprofit Fish Area You? Quiz for Blue Avocado readers. You can contact Tom at

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Articles on Blue Avocado do not provide legal representation or legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice or legal counsel. Blue Avocado provides space for the nonprofit sector to express new ideas. The opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect or imply the opinions or views of Blue Avocado, its publisher, or affiliated organizations. Blue Avocado, its publisher, and affiliated organizations are not liable for website visitors’ use of the content on Blue Avocado nor for visitors’ decisions about using the Blue Avocado website.

27 thoughts on “Nonprofit Job Sites Reviewed and Rated

  1. I am surprised and very disappointed that you didn’t include any of the state associations of nonprofits that have job boards in your regional listings. The following State Associations of Nonprofits have their own job board as well as the National Council of Nonprofits ( Alabama Alaska Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Hawaii Idaho Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Washington DC Wisconsin It’s a disservice to your readers to not include these job boards as well. When I was relocating from NYC to MD/DC, I used the state association websites boards, as they are full of many local opportunities – more so than Monster, or even Opportunity Knocks. Full disclosure: I work for Maryland Nonprofits, where we do charge for nonmembers to post their jobs on our site; nonprofit members can post for free. Craig Weinrich Director of Membership Maryland Nonprofits 443.438.2312

    1. Mr Weinrich – Thank you for taking the time to review and comment on the jobsite directory article. I can understand your disappointment – your suggestion is an important contribution. As I mentioned in the article, we don’t mean this to be a complete list and suggest to all that they tap networks of individuals and organizations in their chosen field of interest or geographic area to obtain the most recent resources. When we put together the initial article in 2009 both Blue Avocado and I inquired of our networks for recommendations of job sites for nonprofit positions. I also did a fairly extensive search through Google of listings that keyed on “nonprofit jobs” or “nonprofit careers” and such. Since publication in 2009, Blue Avocado left open the comments section and I’ve received a number of additional ideas for sites to consider. Specific to the “regional” sites, these are largely recommendations from local nonprofit management centers and, because of space, I tried to provide examples rather than an exhaustive list. Surprisingly, your recommended sites were not previously mentioned or found but I am glad you took the time to send it along. It sounds like it was quite helpful to you. I will review it in more detail and see if perhaps Blue Avocado can add the National Council's site in this current version. I appreciate your help in building this community resource. Best regards, Tom Battin

  2. I am surprised and very disappointed that you didn’t include any of the state associations of nonprofits that have job boards in your regional listings. The following State Associations of Nonprofits have their own job board as well as the National Council of Nonprofits ( Alabama Alaska Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Hawaii Idaho Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Washington DC Wisconsin It’s a disservice to your readers to not include these job boards as well. When I was relocating from NYC to MD/DC, I used the state association websites boards, as they are full of many local opportunities – more so than Monster, or even Opportunity Knocks. Full disclosure: I work for Maryland Nonprofits, where we do charge for nonmembers to post their jobs on our site; nonprofit members can post for free. Craig Weinrich Director of Membership Maryland Nonprofits 443.438.2312

  3. Thank you for this information and thank you to Craig for your input.I’m currently job seeking – relocating from NYC to Illinois.

    1. Anonymous: Make sure you check out in your relocation and job seeking efforts in Illinois. is the region’s largest nonprofit job board.

  4. Thank you for sending us this report! We are honored to be listed as the top regional job board for nonprofit job seekers and employers. We have grown rapidly in the last year, and are now working on marketing to downstate Illinois employers and job seekers. We plan to expand to another state soon. Your nonprofit job sites directory has been very useful to me as administrator of I get occasional calls from users who are relocating to another region in the country, and wonder if is available in that area. I use your directory as a resource to refer them to a site that focuses on the area where they are relocating. Thanks for the invaluable service you provide nonprofits and job seekers across the country! Jean Newcomer Lumity

  5. Like your previous writer, I am also in Illinois, in the Chicago area. I would love to see an expanded Encore Careers program with additional fellowships come to the Chicago area. I am a certified teacher, and the education field is hard to get into in this area. With a new, forward-thinking mayor and administration, the time is perfect to expand nonprofit services and create jobs here!

  6. My name is Zach Halper and I work at The NonProfit Times. I read your latest job sites directory, and I thought it was really well done. It’s hard to pick the best of the best, but you did a good job. It’s obviously too late to suggest a new addition to the list, but I was hoping you could find some place to mention our job board on your site (or at least consider it for the next installment of the directory). The site is called The Nonprofit Jobseeker ( NPT has had a career center for a few years now, but we have made a lot of improvements in the last few months, so we are working hard to get people more aware of it. The site is free for job seekers, and contains jobs of all experience levels (though we have had a flood of executive jobs recently).

    Thanks, Zach Halper NPTimes

    1. Thanks Zach. I appreciate the suggestion. I will look at the site and see if we might be able to amend the existing listing if appropriate. Tom

  7. Hi Tom, Green jobs is the fastest growing job sector these days and a lot of these jobs are at non-profits, industry associations, and research labs. I understand that compared to the overall non-profit world, the number of green non-profit jobs may be small, but I think they are important. So, in your next revision, please consider It’s currently the largest and most comprehensive green job search site by the number of jobs (about 10,000 currently). Thanks! Bernard

  8. The 'Idealist' and 'Opportunity Knocks' are great websites, and your PDF file listing has many more site that I want to explore! Thanks!

  9. Hi Tom! I’d like to call your attention to the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), a non-profit organization of colleges, universities, teaching hospitals, and research institutions whose mission is to advance the efforts of our member institutions to recruit and retain outstanding and diverse faculty and staff and to assist dual-career couples. The National HERC website ( provides a comprehensive list of all 12 regional HERCs and includes access to over 14,000 faculty, staff, and executive jobs. I hope you consider us in the next iteration of the directory. Thanks! Paula Alfone, Mid-Atlantic HERC Director (

  10. Hi Tom, Check out Free for job hunters and non-profit organizations posting. It has been around for years.

  11. I would like to mention another good one for searching all job boards in one go would be .

  12. There is new job board for the nonprofit sector. It is called Foundation List, and is focused on foundation job seeking which is awesome! Please see Foundation List is a job board specifically designed for foundation jobs within the nonprofit sector. Find work, post jobs, read news, network, and connect.​​

  13. Hi Tom, thanks for this great list of nonprofit job sites. I’d like to invite you to take a look at the National Nonprofits job board also ( It’s a relatively new but quickly growing job board that typically has about 1500 active nonprofit jobs from around the country. It includes some great search options that make it easy for job seekers to find what they’re looking for and quickly apply (see Thanks in advance for considering the site next time you update your article. Cheers, Elizabeth (National Nonprofits Communications Director)

  14. BlueAvocado’s mission is provide thoughtful designs and creative solutions for a greener, simpler life. This means tackling those everyday actions that fill. These .Postal Worker Jobs can lead to other amazing positions and are the gateway to a lifelong career with USPS

  15. BlueAvocado’s mission is provide thoughtful designs and creative solutions for a greener, simpler life. This means tackling those everyday actions that fill. These .Postal Worker Jobs can lead to other amazing positions and are the gateway to a lifelong career with USPS

  16. Hello, it’s now 2022, Fall, and post pandemic, the need is even greater to serve the non profit community from my chair. Since this was originally created, has there been any new resources for those looking for jobs in non-profit? Would like to hear about those too. Thanks,

  17. Hello, it’s now 2022, Fall, and post pandemic, the need is even greater to serve the non profit community from my chair. Since this was originally created, has there been any new resources for those looking for jobs in non-profit? Would like to hear about those too. Thanks,

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